The ‘passports’ are the ‘medical Mark of the Beast’...
Yes they are and many fellow Americans do not understand this.
Overnight all the hard fought liberties are gone, and the Mark of the Beast is here.
Too many Americans are fat, stupid and sick to realize what is happening.
The technology embeds immunization records into a child’s skin
The work is being done by MIT and funded by non other than Bill Gates. "For the children" of course, to start but then along comes more viruses and they'll need to keep track of when your last booster was etc. Pretty soon they'll want your entire medical record on it and then, might as well put your financial info on it. No more plastic cards. Just stick your hand under the scanner to pay. They'll give it a catchy name like "wave & pay" because waving is friendly.
I agree with you. Critical thinkers versus Lemmings of groupthink. The lemmings ran down for their fake PCR tests whether they had the sniffles or not (the foundation of alleged “cases” in reported numbers is fake PCR testing). Then the Lemmings are first in line for their shots, and now pushing for vaccine passports. They ARE the people of the Antichrist, they want one world govt, and Satan is their god. The Lemmings will be the first to run down to get their Mark of the Beast - if you are refusing then you are selfish, a criminal, have something to hide! (Just what we are hearing now about vaccine hesitancy. See Sean Penn, Antichrist minion, for example). God said he would give them over to believe the Lie, they are subject to the Great Delusion. The bible tells us that only the saved believers can see what is happening in the End Times.