I received the below from a friend of mine that has a degree in Toxicology. It is one of the best explanations that I have seen on the zinc connection to HCQ, and viruses. Also explains why drinking tonic water (quinine) is one part of prophylactic treatment. Very well written, and easily digested.
Zinc inhibits replication of virus RNA. Viruses hide in the interior structure various cell structures, in the case of the coronaviruses (not just Covid-19) that’s the lysosomes.
Hidden inside the lysosomes, the coronavirus replicates uninhibited as 1) zinc has a difficult time permeated the lysosome membrane 2) the body only has a limited amount of zinc on hand and it gets consumed quickly.
Supplementing w/ zinc is a well known and accepted way of fighting coronaviruses (like the common cold), hence the popularity of over the counter remedy’s like zicam and zinc lozenges. Supplementing overwhelms membrane hindrance and allows some zinc to penetrate the lysosome and inhibit replication. A zinc ionophore opens a transport path across interior cellular membranes allowing dramatic increases in zinc concentrations and inhibition of viral RNA. Anyone that says different is wrong - nothing to discuss. Accepted toxicology for 50+ years.
Quinine is about 1/2 as effective as hydroxychloroquine. Typical treatment dosages of hydroxycloroquine are 400mg/day. A typical bottle of tonic water has about 83 mg of quinine, about 10% of effective treatment dosage.
You would have to drink a lot of tonic water, probably incapable of keeping up in a full blown critical Covid-19 infection. As a preventative treatment for a virus that has to get a foothold in your immune system before successful infection takes place, absolutely! Some daily tonic water and a zinc supplement will reduce the likelihood of becoming infected (prophylactic).
Why all the reports of zinc ionophores not working? It’s politically motivated case bias - hydroxycloroquine (HCQ) was only given to the Covid-19 patients near death in the New York study and in the VA study. Problem w/ that is what happens when covid-19 overwhelms immune system - it causes the red blood cells (RBC) to purge their heme. This is problematic in two ways - the first is obvious, the lack of heme in RBC prevents cellular respiration (this is why advanced Covid-19 patients have the blackening of their extremities like frost bit victims). The second is due to the release of the heme itself - heme is a free radical and when released from the RBCs causes cellular damage in the lungs. This is what is causing the bilateral pneumonia observed in advanced Covid-19 patients. Once the damage is done eliminating the virus doesn’t heal the lungs. Lung tissue is well known to react w/ severe scarring/edema to injuries resulting in many patients passing away from lung damage weeks after being proclaimed “cured”. For a zinc ionophore to be effective, it must be given prior to the patient becoming critical. RE-READ that last sentence.
Thk u! Great info!
Great explanation. I will start sipping. It should work well with the zinc/quercetin I already take.
Mark quinine,zinc
the treatment killed my brother IMO....he was denied ivermectin and put on that worthless and damaging remdesivir. I hope they all go to gitmo and then to hell....
Wow, Thank you for that information!
Zinc info
"Quercetin; A safe and natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, quercetin is the most frequently studied flavonoid. For dietary sources, it’s found in many plant foods including brassica vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts), capers, grapes, asparagus, green pepper, onions (red onions have the highest levels), shallots, wine, tomatoes, and tea. Quercetin is also present in a wide variety of berries including strawberries, red raspberries, blueberries, black currants, cranberries, chokeberries, and Saskatoon berries. Black chokeberries (Aronia) have the fourth highest level of quercetin of 18 berries studied, at 348 mg/kg. Onions have the highest quercetin content among vegetables and fruits. Frying onions doesn't affect quercetin, but boiling lowers levels by about 30%, transferring the quercetin to the water.A safe and natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, quercetin is the most frequently studied flavonoid. For dietary sources, it’s found in many plant foods including brassica vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts), capers, grapes, asparagus, green pepper, onions (red onions have the highest levels), shallots, wine, tomatoes, and tea. Quercetin is also present in a wide variety of berries including strawberries, red raspberries, blueberries, black currants, cranberries, chokeberries, and Saskatoon berries. Black chokeberries (Aronia) have the fourth highest level of quercetin of 18 berries studied, at 348 mg/kg. Onions have the highest quercetin content among vegetables and fruits. Frying onions doesn't affect quercetin, but boiling lowers levels by about 30%, transferring the quercetin to the water." More at link
food sources of quercetin and epigallocatechin
From: https://michaelsavage.com/foods-high-in-quercetin-epigallocatechin/
Other sources of Foods high in ZINC ionophores (activators) QUERCETIN & Epigallocatechin