Posted on 07/19/2021 2:45:06 PM PDT by jimjohn
Rules of Engagement Vol 1:When They Come To Your Door
by J. Johnson
[author's note: Do to current events, this volume was move head of others in this series.]
The narrative has gone from mandatory inoculations, to the threat of so-called volunteers going door-to-door as "health ambassadors". Assuming this is not a trial balloon, I believe it is time to take an honest and sober look at these and other proposals as it will affect our daily lives. This cannot be a matter of waiting for some judge or elected official to resolve this problem. This will affect each and every American at their own residence. And that is where we must address the issue directly.
There is no voting your way out of this. Since every elected representative should be up in arms over this, I don't think contacting them will do any good either. No, this administration and its caretakers have become emboldened (although some may call it desperate). Litigation and legislation cannot be brought forth in a timely manner. We are in a must-fight-back scenario. There are some who say "I'd deal with when it comes to my door". Well, here we are.
Oh and by the way, if you have decided get inoculated, don't think you are free and clear. If they are already talking of mandating inoculations, mandating booster shots won't be far behind. We've all seen reports of the adverse affects that would have pulled any other drug out of service by now. Yet they are still pushing. "They're safe. They're effective. And they're free. Just ignore the warnings about adverse effects." If you get visit from these folks, don't be surprised if you're asked about your neighbors. After all, they are on a fact-finding mission.
Experts and pundits alike who oppose this have been proposing everything from warning signage out front to 'release the hounds'. All noble efforts, but instructional documentation for these "health ambassadors" include ignoring the signage. And one could surmise that any action deemed hostile upon a visit would be documented and added to one's profile for later use.
The opposition's strategies now in development can and should be a teaching moment for all of us; giving us the ability to employ our own actions to protect ourselves, families and neighbors now and in the future, using 3 strategies history has proven this government fears the most:
Taking a look at their overall proposals, we can logically conclude the following:
With all that said, What if we start collecting data on them?
Our weapons of choice: Our home security systems and/or our smartphones. Mix in a little underground social networking of our own just for effect.
Our strategy: to make sure any so-called ambassador is photographed, identification documented, then disseminated to an audience of your chosing. And before an objection is raised, there is NOTHING illegal about this proposal. Remember: They dare to step on your property; at which point, they fall under YOUR jurisdiction. Imagine a visible message at your residence that states as follows:
"…The owner of this property reserves the right to collect, document, and distribute any and all information regarding persons and their activity at this residence via all lawful means at our disposal…"
Needless to say most are cognizant about masked strangers approaching a residence, just as we are about answering un-solicited phone calls. So-called ambassadors, will need to show their faces before one should even think about answering the door.
As for the means of documenting said trespassers, many home security systems will do the work for you. One could simply capture a screen shot, followed by letting the photographed know they have been documented and, "…this information is being transferred to the proper authorities…". Some home security systems can even be networked with neighbors, meaning that photos/videos can be distributed to others instantly. For those willing to answer the door, make sure your smart phone is at the ready..
American: "Yes, may I help you?" (takes photo of those at the door)
Trespasser: "Hello. We're stopping by to talk about that jab your never got, and why."
American:" Do you have any identification, and if so, may I see it?"
Trespasser(s) shows identification.
American copies identification via photo or video on smart phone; returns identification.
American then closes door.
I would encourage little to no conversation whatsoever with these types, as any words or actions can and probably will be used against you. As Americans prepare to gather this intelligence, make sure to collect the following information:
S – Size: how many approached your residence. This include any persons that assisted in transporting trespassers to your location.
A – Action: The questions they attempted to ask; their means of documentation; their responses to your request. Even their mannerisms.
L – Location: approximate location of where the confrontation took place (zip codes most helpful for geo-mapping). With respect to your privacy: If they are at your door, they already know who and where you are.
U – Unit insignia: What organization are they with? Special clothing? Badges? This would include any logistical support they would have as well (law enforcement, jabbers on standby, etc.)
T – Time of day: like location, date and time of the action can help others develop a pattern.
E – Equipment: This would include information on means of transport to your area. Vehicles, medical transports. If a number of trespassers swarm a neighborhood, the make and models of what got them there is also helpful. The more information the better.
(S.A.L.U.T.E is an acronym used by the military and a standard means to gather intelligence.)
Where to send this information? That is up to you, but the more eyes closest to the scene is better; i.e. sending it to the wind where millions can see it is fine, but it's more effective if 10,000 within a close radius receives the information. It wouldn't take long for the trespassers to learn how popular they have become in their community, at their job, etc. As stated before, with modern day home security systems, spreading information about trespassers can be done by default.
This is NOT Doxing. They are coming to you. They have chosen to put themselves in this position. They will have to accept the consequences of their actions; or they can simply stay home. The latter is our long-term objective.
This is building and information network – a committee of correspondence to serve as a deterrent against state-sponsored intimidation of the public at large.
I understand how some will read this saying, "This is quite a lot ". Yes, it is. But in order to defeat what we're facing, gathering and disseminating good intelligence of this type is only the start of what we should be doing. There is no magic bullet; no one person is going to save us. And victory won't be achieved overnight. Among our own problems is that too many of us thinks someone else is supposed to take action on our behalf. We have expectations of how society is supposed to function. When that 'normalcy' doesn't happen, it only leads to more frustration and eventually hopelessness. Keeping a positive outlook is probably the greatest challenge we face today.
I expect there will be many to claim why this proposal won't work. I am open to better ideas, but doing nothing is clearly not a winning strategy. This challenge is just one of many that we will face in the future. The fact is when it comes to the defense of freedom, liberty and the safety of ourselves and our posterity, the last line of defense is the person you see in the mirror.
Carry on.
[Permission for wide distribution is granted and encouraged]
The United States is fast becoming the former East Germany, except we have Pickup Trucks.
Please...knock on our door pushing the “vaccine”. Already have two acquaintances that have died and one that has had a massive stroke post “ vaccine”.
Thank you!
This is good.
When they come to my door, they will not see a “No Solicitors” sign....
They will see a “Self Quarantine In Progress” sign.
and if they are brave enough to still ring the doorbell, I will be too busy coughing in their face to answer any questions.
Post this on Neighborhood app.
If they delete it, post again.
I’ll just let the dog out then fire up the backhoe.
Interesting. My response is going to be really fun. But I don’t think it’s going to happen. Too close to mid terms.
If we mistakenly open the door (not likely) we’ll close it as soon as we realize it’s them. They could catch us outside in which case we will politely decline to speak with them.
What’s your impression of the idea of driving around the neighborhood when they’re spotted with a bullhorn playing a recording:
The vaccination strike force has arrived in our town
and are going door to door coercing neighbors into taking the COVID 19 shot.
WARNING - all mRNA injections are EXPERIMENTAL.
They pose a serious health threat
and are likely to result in death within 10 years.
Do not comply or engage in conversation or in force with contact tracers.
This is a Trojan Horse operation to depopulate the United States and incite violence.
Or what about following the tracers around with the recording:
This is the Neighborhood Watch.
You are entering a protected zone
and are subject to private property law.
or you will be subject to arrest and prosecution.
One or more high-decibel air horns located within a few feet of your front door can be used to send an appropriate message
You don’t have to answer your door unless it’s the police with a warrant. We don’t answer our door unless we know who it is. Keep it simple.
I actually like the idea of photos of the perps and ID.
I also like the idea of size of group, vehicle etc.
If they realize that you have this info, that itself is a powerful tool
Do unto others. Doxx them. Harass them outside their homes. Don't let them be in peace ANYWHERE. When you see them in a restaurant, get in their face, scream, yell, tell them what a-holes they are and make their lives miserable.
Harass them at their jobs until they're fired.
Have their children thrown out of school. Make their lives so miserable that their spouses' divorce them and take them to the cleaners.
Make it so each and every one of them die broke, homeless, hungry and disease-ridden in the most miserable way possible.
That's what they wish for us. Do unto others.
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