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Spike Proteins Used in Covid-19 Vaccines: Are They Safe? Although studies have found harmful effects of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins, the proper interpretation is key ^ | Dec 27, 2020 | Shin Jie Yong Shin Jie Yong

Posted on 04/22/2021 3:56:24 PM PDT by ransomnote

Spike Proteins Used in Covid-19 Vaccines: Are They Safe?

Although studies have found harmful effects of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins, the proper interpretation is key.

Shin Jie Yong
Dec 27, 2020 · 7 min read

Within a year of the pandemic, science has developed many vaccines for Covid-19, with a few already gaining FDA approval for public use. But many are still worried about the potential undiscovered side effects of such vaccines, which this article aims to address.

All candidate vaccines —the mRNA, DNA, viral vectored, recombinant protein, viral-like particles, and peptide-based vaccines—use the coronavirus’s spike protein to induce immunity in some way or another. Even live attenuated and inactivated vaccines using the whole virion (in a weakened form) still rely on the spike protein, at least partly, to induce immunity.

The CDC has stated that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is harmless, which assures that current Covid-19 vaccines would be safe. But recent studies — in animals and cultured cells — have found that this may not be entirely true, although these studies must be interpreted more cautiously.

Before going further, the conclusion in this article is that Covid-19 vaccines are still most likely safe. It’s not 100% safe as some at-risk people may show allergic or other unpleasant reactions to it. So, this article will make sense of what studies showing the harmful effects of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein mean for the safety of Covid-19 vaccines.

(Note: The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is made up of two portions, which are S1 and S2. The S1 binds to the ACE2 receptor on the human cell surface, and S2 initiates membrane fusion to complete cell infection.)

Spike protein and the brain

A study titled “The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice” was published in Nature Neuroscience this month. Herein, researchers at the University of Washington inoculated a dose of S1 portion of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein — without the whole virion or genome — into the blood or nose of adult age mice.

When injected into the bloodstream, the study found that the spike proteins were gradually cleared from the blood but got uptaken by the brain. After performing a series of experiments, the study discovered that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins cross the blood-brain barrier via adsorptive transcytosis. In this process, the protein — in this case, the spike proteins — enters the cell through its surface glycoproteins.

Whether the ACE2 receptor — which SARS-CoV-2 normally uses to infect cells in the lungs — is involved in the brain uptake of spike proteins is uncertain. Administering ACE2 into the mice to occupy the ACE2 receptors did not block spike proteins entry but rather enhanced it. And the mechanisms responsible for this remain unclear.

Notably, inducing inflammation in the mice with lipopolysaccharide (LPS; a bacterial toxin) treatment further enhanced the brain uptake of spike proteins. This is because the inflammation had disrupted the blood-brain barrier integrity, making it more permeable to foreign invaders.

When nasally inoculated, the spike proteins also invaded the brain, but to a lesser extent than when injected into the blood. Interestingly, only <1% of the spike proteins from the nose entered the blood. This suggests that spike proteins can enter the brain through the olfactory (smell sensing system) route, without the need to bypass the blood-brain barrier defense.

Overall, in mice, the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. But that’s the extent this study shows. What happens after that was not studied. For example, will the mice became sick and show neurological symptoms or behavioral abnormalities like cognitive impairments or appetite changes? Or will the mice's brain respond to the spike proteins with unhealthy levels of inflammation?

Lastly, this study also did cell culture experiments. Since mice are not humans, as the researchers admitted, they cultured human endothelial cells that mimic the human blood-brain barrier. Contrary to expectations, they found that the spike proteins did not penetrate the human endothelial cells. This negative result, the authors suggested, could mean two things:

  1. The cell model is not suitable for studying SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins.
  2. The SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins alone cannot cross the blood-brain barrier in humans, which contradicts the animal experiments' findings.

Spike protein and blood vessels

Last month, the study “SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-mediated cell signaling in lung vascular cells” was published in Vascular Pharmacology. Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center found that the S1 portion of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein — without the whole virion or genome — triggered growth signals in cultured human blood vessels from the lungs.

In human blood vessel cells, the MEK/ERK pathway that initiates cell growth was activated in response to the spike proteins. This is consistent with the autopsy analyses that the same study also performed, where the blood vessel walls in deceased patients from Covid-19 were twice as thick than influenza cases — i.e., 15.4 vs. 6.7 μm. This study suggests that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins may activate blood vessel growth, leading to vascular thickening.

The Viral Fragment Theory of Covid-19 Vascular Complications

SARS-CoV-2 replication alone may not explain Covid-19.


“The present study shows that cell growth signaling may be triggered by this virus in both cultured cells and in Covid-19 patient samples,” the authors stated. “We propose that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-mediated cell signaling promotes the hyperplasia and/or hypertrophy of vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells, contributing to the complex cardiovascular outcomes in Covid-19.” (Vascular means blood vessels.)

Implications for vaccine safety

But, at this point, there’s no concrete evidence that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins are dangerous to humans. It’s only in animal and cell culture experiments, as well as autopsy observations, that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins may be harmful. These studies, however, do not prove the same in humans or that the same applies to vaccine-introduced spike proteins.

It’s also crucial to understand that optimizations —trial and error to set up the right experimental conditions to get desirable results — is normal for cell culture and animal studies. . Therefore, even if such results apply to humans, the effect size may not be as potent. Not to mention that dosage used in experimental settings may not reflect real-life settings.

Let’s take the FDA-approved Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA vaccines for Covid-19 as examples. Upon injection into muscle cells, the mRNA genetic code enters the cell and gets translated into spike proteins. These spike proteins then train the immune system to mount proper immune responses and form immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2. “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein,” the CDC stated. It’s harmless because the coronavirus can’t hijack the cell’s replication machinery without its genome.

As mRNA is extremely fragile and does not enter the cell nucleus or genome, it gets degraded easily and has strict storage conditions and a short lifespan. In animal and cell culture research, the mRNA vaccines induced the highest protein production within 48 hours and declined soon after. Thus, mRNA-indued protein production is short-term. As follows, any harmful effects of the spike proteins will be observable within a few days.

Indeed, flu-like symptoms — such as fever, chills, fatigue, and headache — may happen within 1–2 days following Covid-19 mRNA vaccination. Rare allergic reactions may also happen within a few minutes of vaccination. But no prevalent life-threatening side effects have been documented in clinical trials of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, at least in the span of two months. This is assuring as mRNA-induced spike protein production should be gone by then, at least in animal findings and according to rules of mRNA genetics.

Besides, human clinical trials have found potent B-cell and T-cell immune reactions specific for the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins within a few days of receiving a given mRNA vaccine. This indicates that any spike proteins the Covid-19 vaccines introduce are quickly taken care of by the immune system. Perhaps the mRNA vaccines make our cells produce spike proteins in safe amounts that are favorable for training the immune system.

Short abstract

With the advent of many Covid-19 vaccines in a short time, it’s expected that their long-term safety is questioned. All Covid-19 vaccines use the coronavirus spike protein to induce immunity in some way or another. But recent studies have found that coronavirus spike proteins alone — without the whole virion or genome — is sufficient to induce biological abnormalities in brain and blood vessel cells. However, these studies have to be put in proper contexts and interpreted cautiously before any generalization to humans, as this article discussed. Besides, mRNA is short-lived, which makes our cells produce the coded proteins for about 48-hour only. So, any side effects of mRNA vaccines will be observable within a few days. This is reassuring as we currently have good safety data of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines for up to two months.

TOPICS: Miscellaneous
I referred to this article in a post a few moments ago, and realized that it may result in the purging of the article from the Internet, so I downloaded a copy and am posting it here.

Here's the post I just made linking to this article:

Are you pretending I wrote the article? I guess you are, and that would explain why you try to counter it with distorted information. I will indent the text of the article to which you are responding in order distinguish them from our comments.

article: "the Pfizer vaccine is an mRNA vaccine, an untested form of vaccine"

2aProtectsTheRest: Wrong.

Pfizer went through full Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 clinical trials. Trial participants got their first doses of vaccine over a year ago. Both human and animal studies have been conducted. President Trump stated that the Pfizer vaccine had passed the "gold standard of safety testing".

ransomnote: Didn't you ever read Pfizer's trial data like I did? Their phase III ends in about 2 years. We The People are experimental test subjects in Pfizer's Phase III trial. Besides, the FDA/CDC/Fauci are hiding the fact that it is not sufficiently tested and not FDA approved.

article: "produces new proteins"

2aProtectsTheRest: It produces one protein the S protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

ransomnote: It produces a protein that can adopt different, misfolded forms. In the case of PFizer, it can adopt 17 different 'misfolded' forms. 

Prion protein

"Prions are proteins that can adopt two different forms, a normal form and a misfolded form. This may not seem unusual, since many proteins are flexible and adopt different shapes. However, prions have another unusual characteristic: the misfolded form of the prion can force normal prions to change into the misfolded shape."
"Prions are the infective agents that cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathies such as Mad Cow Disease in humans. All prions affect the brain or neural tissues and are currently untreatable."
ransomnote: so prions go around and when they bump into properly folded proteins, cause those proteins to misfold and misfolded proteins build up on neurological pathways, causing disease.
The Covid-19 vaccines, however, do not cause the expression of the the Covid-19 protein. That's something the MSM medical complex is hiding.
The spike protein selected is not 'the' Covid-19 spike protein. It's called a Corona virus spike protein, but it is  produced by another Corona virus, so most of us who have ever been infected by other Corona's already have that spike protein. 
Early on, there was an article which stated that a doctor who died following vaccination had different anti-bodies present compared with those produced following infection by what they are calling 'Covid' (because the spike proteins are different)
[NOTE: with an inaccurate, invalid PCR test, it's hard to know who has the flu and who has Covid- doesn't matter though because a false positive or misdiagnoses still means you are denied treatment].
Articles like that one proviing the 'vaccines' produce a different antibody response than that which is produced by the disease have been purged. I still have a snippet of the article title with the photo of the deceased. Wonder who was fired for admitting that in print?
When people get sick with what is called 'Covid" (wether they have the flu or Covid), their immune systems are already recognizing it as a pathogen (immune system 'memory') so the addition of the 'vaccines' spike from a different Corona virus is not needed for pathogen recognition, but is instead responsible for problems like ADE.
There are no isolated samples of the virus, according to China, the CDC, and the vaccine makers filings (also). All used a genome fabricated by China. So China gave us the biowarfare China Virus and faked a genome for us to use to create the biowarfare vaccines. It's a bait-and-switch that no researcher who wants to retain funding-credentials-employment talks about.
Since the vaccine makers admit they did not use live virus to create their vaccines, the CDC, NIH (Fauci) 'selected' which protein to make and, not having a live virus, chose something from the Corona Virus family, supposedly.
Unfortunately (on purpose) they selected a spike protein that is camoflauged from the immune system - odd if you want the immune system to recognize it.

Also, unfortunate is the evidence that the 'vaccines' use a spike protein that 'may' cause diseases: Spike Proteins Used in Covid-19 Vaccines: Are They Safe? | by Shin Jie Yong | Microbial Instincts | Medium
"The CDC has stated that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is harmless, which assures that current Covid-19 vaccines would be safe. But recent studies — in animals and cultured cells — have found that this may not be entirely true, although these studies must be interpreted more cautiously."
The Medium article is painful in its attempts not to trigger the full force of the medical tyrants upon their research, so it uses CDC talking points, but part of the spike protein selected for the 'vaccines' crosses the blood brain barrier. 
The reason for Covid death rates is not Covid virus, but the withholding of all medications to treat sick people. Many routine illnesses would have a higher deathrate if you prohibit treatment. Oh and fake PCR tests and outright lies etc. inflate the 'death toll'.
2aProtectsTheRest: That's one small part of the surface of the virus. The virus itself produces those same proteins during infection.

ransomnote: Infection progresses when the spikes on the Covid-19 virus stick to body cells, enters the cells and makes those cells produce virus particles. Oddly enough, the vaccine does the same thing.

2aProtectsTheRest: It just also produces the rest of the virus too and causes a lot of damage because it's self-replicating. The mRNA vaccine material has a half-life of 10 hours. 

ransomnote: They haven't studied the mRNA vaccines sufficiently to be certain of much of anything, including half-life.

Saying the mRNA 'vaccine' material has a half-life of 'x' isn't particularly relevant, since the research I linked above says the vaccine's spike protein crosses the blood/brain barrier, and in real-life, VAERS and doctors are reporting neurologial problems in many, many patients upon receiving the vaccine.

2aProtectsTheRest: Within a week, it's completely gone from your system. What remains are the antibodies that destroy SARS-CoV-2 and prevent COVID-19.

ransomnote: Would that this were true. The 'vaccines' mRNA has demonstrated the capacity to imprint on the DNA and cause a person's DNA to produce the vaccine's mRNA further propagating the potentially hazardous spike protein and furthering immunosuppression.

Also, they've demonstrated that 'leakage' occurs from cells around the vaccination site, distrubing the 'vaccine' mRNA to other parts of the body.

Vanden Bossche, an accomplished vaccine developer working with institutes like the the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, believes that the vaccine's capacity to produce it's spike proteins 'out-competes' the body cells capacity to produce a wide variety of immune responses, narrowing the body's ability to fight many diseases and creating immunosuppression. This may be occuring in Israel as all cause of death ratios are increasing following vaccination.

So the whole idea of 'stop yer complainin', it's gone in a week!' is neither well researched or all that relevant when discussing 'vaccine' safety.

article: "proteins that can potentially insert into the human genome"

2aProtectsTheRest: Wrong. That doesn't even make any sense. Proteins aren't part of your genome. Your genome is made up of nucleotides. Proteins are not. That's like saying your car might grow a leg because you sat in it. That's ridiculous nonsense. Cars don't work that way. Cars are made of car parts. Genes are made of nucleotides. Proteins are made of amino acids. Completely different.

ransomnote: Likely an editing error or an oversimplification on the part of the writer. I know you're pretending I wrote this article, that's a troll tactic, but I did not.

What they are likely referring to here is evidence that the vaccine's mRNA uses RT to trascribe on a person's DNA, then the person's DNA would produce the vaccine's mRNA in the body. Ironically, there is evidence the Covid-19 virus does the same thing.

2aProtectsTheRest: Does it ever become tiring being this wrong all the time?

ransomnote: I wouldn't know, but you can tell me. It doesn't seem to bother you;  you just repeatedly make false statements with bizarre amounts of hubris and when I prove you wrong, again, you pretend it never happened. 

Acting like I must defend an article line-by-line is a troll tactic they seem to like. Wastes my time - I think it's part of the 'busywork' trolls like to dispense, demanding with insults that I drop my attention from new research or other efforts and stay on one thread explaining science to them from the ground up.

1 posted on 04/22/2021 3:56:24 PM PDT by ransomnote
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To: ransomnote

Moot points.

2 posted on 04/22/2021 4:06:22 PM PDT by S.O.S121.500 (Had ENOUGH Yet ? ........................ Enforce the Bill of Rights .........It is the LAW. )
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To: ransomnote

Ransomnote, be careful. There may be a monster under your bed. There’s proof of it on the internet. Or there was... they keep purging the information from the internet. Maybe it’s an inter dimensional being that’s under the bed.

This is, of course, nonsense. Just as much of what you post is nonsense, IMHO.

3 posted on 04/22/2021 4:07:42 PM PDT by House Atreides
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To: S.O.S121.500

Not moot points. I’ve seen ‘research’ bought and paid for by those holding up the fake planned-demic (NIH supported research, after NIH supported Wuhan gain of function research on Coronavirus).

Tiring that when I post the truth, paid-for propaganda is posted in response. There’s a lot of smoke in that smoke screen. THey’ve had years to plan this.

4 posted on 04/22/2021 4:10:14 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: House Atreides on 3/25/2021

5 posted on 04/22/2021 4:11:08 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

From your article: “There are no isolated samples of the virus, according to China, the CDC, and the vaccine makers filings”

Why do you keep promulgating things that are clearly untrue?
“SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.”

6 posted on 04/22/2021 4:13:46 PM PDT by DugwayDuke (Most pick the expert who says the things they agree with.)
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To: ransomnote

Read and comprehend as posted.......don’t need to see your hackles, Sheesh

7 posted on 04/22/2021 4:21:08 PM PDT by S.O.S121.500 (Had ENOUGH Yet ? ........................ Enforce the Bill of Rights .........It is the LAW. )
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To: House Atreides; S.O.S121.500; ransomnote

H A again, still flakking for pharma,HerrDoktorFauxiGates,mam,ccpWho,fedgovCDC ,eFbook, Twat, et al.

8 posted on 04/22/2021 4:24:57 PM PDT by A strike ( Barr and Fauxi to Florence supermax; Roberts to Terre Haute)
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To: A strike

Gotta keep the paycheck coming in.

9 posted on 04/22/2021 4:34:58 PM PDT by metmom (...fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith....)
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To: House Atreides
This is, of course, nonsense. Just as much of what you post is nonsense, IMHO.


So your big comeback is, 'this is nonsense'.


You've totally convinced me.

10 posted on 04/22/2021 4:38:32 PM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: S.O.S121.500

One thing that is not moot, is that Bill Gates wants to massively reduce earths population... and he has a shot for you.

And one other thing is not moot. The government that massively pushes this vaccine with an epic propaganda campaign and censorship of opposing voices, has been caught in massive world-class lies. So believing them is risky.

Last, the medical community that is telling us this mRNA therapy is safe is the same one that tells us chopping off your penis makes you a woman.

There is plenty of reason to hold them to an unusually strict standard of proof and not to trust their word. The default position is to assume they are lying.

11 posted on 04/22/2021 4:57:30 PM PDT by DesertRhino (Dog is man's best friend, and moslems hate dogs. Add that up. .... )
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To: ransomnote; COUNTrecount; Nowhere Man; FightThePower!; C. Edmund Wright; jacob allen; ...
"Although studies have found harmful effects of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins, the proper interpretation is key."

"Proper interpretation" being defined as that which
a) doesn't discourage anyone for being vaccinated, and
b) allows you to keep your job...

The government wants to disarm us after 244 yrs 'cuz they plan to do things we would shoot them for!


At no point in history has any government ever wanted its people to be defenseless for any good reason ~ nully's son

The biggest killer of mankind

Nut-job Conspiracy Theory Ping!

To get onto The Nut-job Conspiracy Theory Ping List you must threaten to report me to the Mods if I don't add you to the list...


12 posted on 04/22/2021 5:35:29 PM PDT by null and void (When you put bad people in charge expect bad things to happen, often in a spectacular and sudden way)
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To: ransomnote
“Perhaps the mRNA vaccines make our cells produce spike proteins in safe amounts that are favorable for training the immune system.”

TRANSLATION: “We really don't know how this stuff works.”

13 posted on 04/22/2021 5:42:46 PM PDT by ConservativeMind (Trump: Befuddling Democrats, Republicans, and the Media for the benefit of the US and all mankind.)
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To: ransomnote
Why in the living F is anyone listening to someone from China? (not imputing guilt, but any obvious conflict of interest is so large it makes Stacy Abrams look positively svelte.)

Oh, and to shove it up 2TrollProtects' donkey, remember that the spike protein in isolation, has been shown EXPERIMENTALLY (not a guess, not a model), to induce abnormal clotting, even without ever entering the cell.

14 posted on 04/22/2021 6:01:46 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: ConservativeMind
“Perhaps the mRNA vaccines make our cells produce spike proteins in safe amounts that are favorable for training the immune system.”

TRANSLATION: “We really don't know how this stuff works.”


It's weird that one the one hand we're told their safe and on the other hand, we don't know how they work. Fauci and trolls say, "Well you have to remember the t-cell immunity function is poorly understoood..." when they want to defend their 'vaccines.' So not only does no one really know how mRNA works in the human body because this is the first vaccine administration with one, but they don't know how the T-cell immune system 'vaccines' supposedly influence work either. *smh*

There's a chance that prion research is another psyop to drive....wait for it...."vaccines against prions!". Hard to get any vaccine or covid publications without Chinese researches.

15 posted on 04/22/2021 6:22:06 PM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

Good news I suppose. Only 876 deaths in the “control” group today. Hopefully, the count continues to go down as the “control” group gets smaller and smaller.

16 posted on 04/22/2021 7:46:54 PM PDT by phoneman08 (qwiyrqweopigradfdzcm,.dadfjl,dz )
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To: phoneman08

896 coronavirus deaths - so 20 got the vaccine? (Not 50-60%, as was thought by a certain doctor)?

17 posted on 04/22/2021 8:53:02 PM PDT by scrabblehack
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To: scrabblehack

Could be a bit higher than 20 though considering around half of the deaths are of nursing home patients where I suspect there is still a lot of dying with rather than from COVID actually exist.

18 posted on 04/23/2021 4:30:51 AM PDT by phoneman08 (qwiyrqweopigradfdzcm,.dadfjl,dz )
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To: ransomnote

That is the best post that a forum has ever been graced by.

Keep up the good work.

It is respected.

19 posted on 04/24/2021 5:49:34 PM PDT by Arcadian Empire
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