Thanks... saw another copy of that link also...
Trump is shaping the battlefield.Democrats, the Chinese, and Iran-Hezbollah will throw everything they can at us when--WHEN--Trump announces that he's coming back.
So he's crippling the ability of the Brownshirts to inflict damage.
The MASSIVE surveillance, digital mapping, and intelligence gathering by the military continues.
Wictor and Neon Revolt are totally different persons (thankfully!).
You were probably thinking of Carlos Osweda.
Communist China, Soviet Russia, and Nazi Germany took away their people’s guns and killed over 100 million of their own citizens in the 20th century. Why run this experiment again in the 21st century
@GrrrGraphics (Garrison)
Funny how another mass shooting happens on same day as Resident in Chief gives his gun grab speech.
Can it get ANYMORE obvious??? There are NO coincidences
AND Fartbook Instagram down at same time
Garrison toon
Interesting commentary. I haven’t looked at Wictor since he changed from whats-his-name {Neon Revolt?}
No he was never Neon Revolt - that guy’s a youngster. Wictor had a “friend” named Carlos Osweda who posted on Twitter after Wictor was kicked off.