Good point. One would expect to see her at the border... sometime soon, wouldn’t one?
We see illegal immigration as a problem.
Democrats see it as an opportunity.
Illegal POTUS
Illegal Dot Indian VP
Could it be the border problem Biden wrapped around her neck---like an albatross---made the giggly whore a bit "nervous"?
Must be hard for Giggles to bring her Calif mentality to solve this problem for good ol' Joe.....
even after he set her up for the kill.....feeding her femiNazi ego by telling her she was (gag) "smarter" than him.
Love ya’ JLAGRAYFOX, and I DESPISE Harris & Demented Joe as much as the next normal thinker, but we can’t leave The GOPe out of the border mess. I saw where Cruz and others made a trek to the border on Thursday. Tell me, where were they just after Trump was elected and he wanted to build a wall for US? They opposed every Trump measure, in lockstep. So let’s look at the mess honestly. The Rs (mostly) are every bit as guilty as the Ds.
There is a chance that Kommilea is putting in long days being trained by the Democrat Party for taking over the role of being its figurehead President.
Did she get arrested?
Joe: Kamala, I want you to take charge of the Border issue.
Kamala: No thank you.
She is smarter than I thought
The media will cover any incompetence or malfeasance she commits. The bar is so low for these people as to not exist.
Biden pulled back in the last day or two, now referring to her as the point person to determine why they were coming here, not the person to solve the issue. Look in the mirror. Duh! That’s why they are coming here. You invited them.They have no interest in solving the problem. On the contrary, they want the problem of a fresh harvest of eventual Dem votes marching up here.
She may get on her knees and beg him to change his mind.
Tantrum Harris is having a Tantrum
Looks like they’re both taking a lid. This admin. is scary and it’s only been like three months; heads of countries that don’t like us are rubbing their hands with glee.
Kamala is probably being set up by that sociopath Mizz Pelosi. Nanzi plans on taking over.
I’m reading this as Kamala’s first jab at Biden’s metal fitness. Like her “coming out party.” Soon, she will have to make the “deeply sorrowful decision” to come forward for the sake of the country and publicly suggest Biden can’t continue. (WITH GREAT SADNESS)
Kommiela is the bich extraodinar.
Ask Willie!! 😊
Don’t expect her to say much of anything. And don’t expect the media to require them to.
They are president and VP without even having to campaign so I don’t believe they’ll be questioned much.