This “star” or rather, conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, occurred in 1226 and would have been visible to people then.
I looked up the year. Not much really interesting happened, unless you want to count Georgia being captured by some sultan as interesting or Frederick of Isenberg being executed, but these things are not that much different from other similar events in other years.
The conjunction also happened in 1623 and was actually closer then, but the sun interfered with people being able to see it.
But it appears that 1623 was also a rather uninteresting year in terms of historical events.
The conjunction actually happens every 20 years. It’s just that the two planets don’t get close enough together to make it seem they are a big star.
But these two conjunctions above did not, I believe, occur at a solstice or equinox as the one that is to occur on 12.21.20. That date itself is interesting. 12.21 of any year is always a palindrome, of course. 2020 is not really a palindrome, technically, like 2002 was. But 2020 is interesting insofar as the metaphor of “If hindsight were 2020.”
I think, if I read correctly, in some years Venus was also part of the conjunction, but it isn’t this time around.
But I still wonder if what Q was referring to as a SKY Event has nothing to do with the sky, but with the letters S, K, and Y standing for something.
What if the vaccine distribution is a cover for the Insurrection Act?
What if the "FISA vaccine" is the "CURE will spread WW"?
[WHO] will actually get the vaccine?
Could it be for military court-marshalled treason sentences?
Poetic justice?
Within 24 hours?
🤔⛈️— #FightForTrump Dave Kraken (@IamPopTheNarrat) December 12, 2020
S K Y Hmmm. Could be.
But I still wonder if what Q was referring to as a SKY Event has nothing to do with the sky, but with the letters S, K, and Y standing for something.
Might SKY Event be interpreted as SKYE event? Don’t know if SKYE will yield anything in a search, just struck me.