Posted on 10/10/2020 6:38:44 AM PDT by BenLurkin
Park officials say the child ran off a trail Friday near Midway Geyser Basin on the parks western side.
The child slipped and fell into the small thermal feature.
The child was flown to a burn unit at a hospital in Idaho Falls with second-degree burns to the lower body and back. Park officials say theyre investigating.
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No details about this in the story. Terrible tragic thing however.
Just that the child ran off the path and into the “thermal feature” (fumarole?)
Children do unnerving things sometimes.
The natural world is not Disneyland. And those toddler harnesses with the leashes maybe look a little less silly.
A sad event for sure.
Prayers for that poor young lad. Too young to really know any better.
I have seen parents allow their feral children run wild in very dangerous places like Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, etc. I saw a kid hanging onto a dinky branch over white water rapids in Yosemite. Had he fallen into the river, it would have been all over. The parent gently scolded the kid with “Stop doing that Jimmy. One. Twooooo. Threeee....”
Too bad they don’t have but 500 signs around these areas. They need more, I guess.
I used to HATE those harnesses, but they are needed so etimes.
Pretty harsh from the parents as these days they usually say “Please dont do that” and then start the 1,2, 3 BS
Those hot spots at Yellowstone are no place for little kids who are not on a leash.
I hope and pray the child recovers with as little suffering as possible. Very sad.
You and I finally agree on something! Lol.
My dad gave him a ride on the back of his Cushman Motor-scooter to the hospital which was 40 miles away. He was in the hospital for over a week and almost all of his skin peeled off, but fortunately it was more like a severe sunburn in most places. So he survived and had minimal visible scarring.
You can see in the bottom of these hot, hot pools, bones from animals that fell in and died. Probably not the best place to take a toddler that does not obey and runs.
> And those toddler harnesses with the leashes maybe look a little less silly. <
Those harnesses are a good idea. They are useful in many different situations. A friend of mine used one whenever he took his toddler to the mall. He should have been commended for adding a layer of security for his child.
But instead he got how dare you walk your child like a dog stares.
Boy,Yellowstone is one place where you’d want to have one of those leashes for your toddler.
Yup,Yellowstone...and Midtown Manhattan (before the lockdown...NYC is a ghost town these days).
Poor baby.
So where were the parents and why wasnt the kid tethered to one of them if allowed to walk free?
We had young boys when we went to Yellowstone......5, 9 and 13. As we walked near the edges of cliffs, a waterfall or the river, I told the boys That mom and I are holding your hand...and that if you fall into the river you will die (it was early June and the spring runoff was still underway) because Im not going in to save you since I would die trying.
I had one of those when my kids were little.
The reactions were mixed. Some smiled knowingly and others gave me the evil eye.
But I figured that the harness was better than those stupid wrist bands that I always saw the kids yanking on and pulling their parents arms out of their sockets. That looked danged uncomfortable.
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