Consider its possible relationship to the 9/8/2020 single engine 4-place Piper Archer (PA-28) crash just off their runway of the Warren County, McMinnville, TN airport, that killed three high ranking Air National Guard intelligence officers as reported here. It must be considered truly extraordinary that these three off-duty officers would be together in such a craft.
We may rest assured that the wreckage was completely scoured by Military Intelligence to learn (and/or hide) what happened to it.
In other somewhat-related Fuddy Hoax news, how important it is that we have an uncorrupted, unbiased NTSB and FAA to investigate small plane crashes!
ping to my list
post 1040
That Marquis guy used to work in military intelligence in S. America, IIRC. He also seems to think that many of Venezuela’s problems are USA’s fault.