I wouldn't mind the eruption of a super volcano right about now.
1 posted on
09/01/2020 6:16:09 PM PDT by
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To: Twotone
“I wouldn’t mind the eruption of a super volcano right about now.”
Looks like you’re in for a wait - the video is from March.
2 posted on
09/01/2020 6:18:42 PM PDT by
To: Twotone
Tell the neighbors downstairs to turn off that liquid bass party tape.
3 posted on
09/01/2020 6:19:27 PM PDT by
(The above is not a statement of Not guilty fact. It is either opinion or satire. Or both.)
To: Twotone
So you wouldn’t mind tens of millions killed by a super eruption and the aftermath devastation> Are you with antifa or blm?
4 posted on
09/01/2020 6:19:28 PM PDT by
(A dispensation perspective is a powerful tool for discernment)
To: Twotone
5 posted on
09/01/2020 6:20:30 PM PDT by
(If you dont watch the MSM you are uninformed. If you do watch the MSM you are misinformed.)
To: Twotone
There was an episode of
NOVA or a similar program about this subject like 20 years ago.
There are lakes in Yellowstone that have actually moved substantial distances since the first surveys of the park. The reason they've moved is because the whole topography of the park is slowly changing, undulating and bulging, because of the magma chamber underneath.
6 posted on
09/01/2020 6:21:07 PM PDT by
Steely Tom
([Seth Rich] == [the Democrats' John Dean])
To: Twotone
7 posted on
09/01/2020 6:21:36 PM PDT by
To: Twotone
That might be the best thing that could happen to the human race right now.
To: Twotone
Will this happen before or after the Giant Asteroid?
To: Twotone
Did the earth move for you too?
To: Twotone
13 posted on
09/01/2020 6:24:18 PM PDT by
(Endut! Hoch Hech!)
To: Twotone
Wherever I go I hope there’s rum!
14 posted on
09/01/2020 6:25:09 PM PDT by
(Endut! Hoch Hech!)
To: Twotone
Tell me tomorrow, today is "Asteroid of Death" day.
C'mon man, one apocalypse at a time!
15 posted on
09/01/2020 6:25:43 PM PDT by
(Until further notice the /s is implied...)
To: Twotone
16 posted on
09/01/2020 6:28:26 PM PDT by
(Those who support liberal "Republicans" summarily support every action by same.)
To: Twotone
Just in case, I am going on record as welcoming our new alien overlords.
17 posted on
09/01/2020 6:28:26 PM PDT by
("Do not mistake activity for achievement." - John Wooden)
To: Twotone
Mother Gaia needs a belly rub.
19 posted on
09/01/2020 6:28:55 PM PDT by
To: Twotone
2020....it’s a happening year!
To: Twotone
And the pinhead expert class is running around bitching about useless masks.
21 posted on
09/01/2020 6:31:15 PM PDT by
(MAGA, now more than ever)
To: Twotone
Michael Poland says nasty things are not imminent at the supervolcanoe.
24 posted on
09/01/2020 6:37:32 PM PDT by
(A politician is an animal that can sit on a fence and yet keep both ears to the ground--Mencken)
To: Twotone
28 posted on
09/01/2020 6:47:43 PM PDT by
("The right to buy weapons is the right to be free." A. E. van Vogt, The Weapons Shops of Isher)
To: Twotone
Just visited Yellowstone two weeks ago. Sure, there was a lot of recent tree die-off near the hot spots and yes some of the fallen dead trees were slowly turning to charcoal and okay there was a lot of new activity at Norris Basin, but hey that stuff happens all the time.
Seriously, no one knows when the next eruption will occur and there will probably be at least two weeks warning. So say most of the Geologists.
29 posted on
09/01/2020 6:48:03 PM PDT by
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