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To: bagster; All

FOLKS - here it is ... the magic of George Soros & Hollywood - WATCH THESE VIDEOS!

EXHIBIT A: Full Restaurant Surveillance Footage of George Floyd:

EXHIBIT B: BODY CAM VIDEO of officer in “Park Police” car that arrived after Floyd had already been removed from the car and before he was moved across the street:

Google Maps Street View:,+Minneapolis,+MN+55407/@44.9342265,-93.2624088,3a,90y,90h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0mTkFtDWB6I8kopGd3Vywg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x87f627de181715cd:0x9922eb1d0ebec5d!8m2!3d44.93434!4d-93.2621737

This is NOT full footage ... we’ve been given jagged snippets


The restaurant surveillance footage shows 5/5/2020 @ 20:19
Two guys are walking across the street (38th) ... though it doesn’t look like they’re coming directly from the store, it looks like they’re coming from further away, otherwise they’d be angling across the street more IMO ... at this point the front passenger side door of Floyd’s car is open, the guys go directly there. The guys converse with people in the car from the passenger side. Based on the 911 call the report was made AFTER this exchange.

At 20:20 the video jerks, and the time is then magically 20:33. At this point the car behind the “van” (SUV) that is supposedly Floyd’s car is already in place (where other video has been seemingly provided from) ... at this point the passenger front door is wide open. At this point the police car is parked across the street in front of the store (on Chicago Ave.)

SO ... Some time after 20:20 (is this a little light for that time of day? Especially considering it remains light through all of these incidents?) ... the 911 call is made and the officers respond . Presumably the officers have responded to the market - though there is nothing otherwise suggesting they were coming out from the inside - and are then going across the street. All in the span of 10 minutes? Great response times there in MN

At this point 20:34 and continuing - the car that magically appeared behind Floyd’s has supposedly arrived there in time and begun recording the “encounter”. Somebody in front of the market goes inside ... then there is nobody outside the market watching - this is curious. I’d expect them to be outside watching to see what was happening!

At 20:35 the lady begins to exit from the front passenger seat and the officer goes around from behind the vehicle to meet the other officer at the front driver’s side whereupon Floyd is then removed from the car. NOTE there is still a guy in the back seat of the car, the “individual” who had actually supposedly been “caught” passing counterfeit currency, but there’s no attention given to him. This defies credulity. Then the person in the front seat gets out and it appears to not be the woman but a dude with dredlocks who then goes and stands against the wall with a backpack. Then the lady gets out of the back seat and goes towards the wall before coming back toward the car whereupon the officer appears to tell her to go stand against the wall too.

At 20:35 the one officer is standing on the sidewalk, the other officer (NOT Chauvin?) is outside the front driver’s side and the “mystery car” (taking video)then begins to back up and depart the scene. Nobody ever entered the “mystery car” during the period of time the “surveillance video” is presented after appearing sometime after 20:20 and before 20:34. Right as the “mystery car” leaves Floyd is cuffed and already out of the car ... though other video clearly shows that when this supposedly happened both officers were outside the driver’s side door.

NOTE: the “mystery car” then drives away from the curb to the alley a little further down the street. The “mystery car” waits for a car coming from the opposite direction to pass and then pulls into the alley, then stops, backs up, turns back the other way, then drives right up and parks behind another car RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from these happenings, presumably then providing other video. HAS ANYONE EVER HAD ANY INSTINCT OR URGE TO DO THIS WHEN SEEING POLICE then seemingly operating in standard procedure?

At 20:36 the “Park Police” car drives up right to where the “mystery car” has been. Floyd is against the wall and appears to be frisked. The other two (man with dredlocks and woman) are about 10’ down the wall separately. As the “Park Police” car pulls up and parks, angled into the curb and extending from the intersection, Floyd sits down against the wall (by himself, near right in front of the “Park Police” car.

At this point, still 20:36, the “Park Police” officer is putting on his gloves while Chauvin is speaking to the man & woman (further away from the “Park Police” officer) and Floyd (with the other officer) right in front of him. The “Park Police” officer looks around & puts on his gloves and then walks over to the officer with Floyd who then gives him the pad he’s been writing down things on. The “Park Police” officer then walks back to his car with the pad as if he’s going to call in and get a report on the person (Floyd) they’ve just gotten info on and at 20:37 he opens the door to his “Park Police” car to presumably make the call.

BUT INSTEAD ... he pulls the car forward some, still angled to the curb, but out of the interesection.

At 20:38 Floyd is brought to his feet by the other officer (not Chauvin, not “Park Police”) ... Chauvin (?) - wearing a blue mask - goes away from the dude + woman and comes over to the other officer while the “Park Police” officer is still in his car. Floyd is already cuffed and the officers then begin walking him across the street.

20:38:24 the officers are at the corner to take him across the street when, all of a sudden, the footage jerks again. This shift is significant & entirely different ... how this can transpire from a fixed surveillance footage camera is inexplicable. Once the officers are across the street and already alongside (near the rear) of the other (Chauvin + other officer) police car, the “Park Police” car then makes the U-Turn across the street and ending up at the corner right in front of the market. At this exact moment there are two people walking into the store when Floyd does his “fall” at the rear of the driver’s side of the police car.”

The police officers then open the police car door to put Floyd into the car - albeit on the OPPOSITE side of where the “choking” incident would later take place. The “Park Police” car then adjusts & readjusts the position of the car to block anything further from being seen by the surveillance camera.


The video begins at 1:12 on the timestamp. There are two cars parked across the street from where the “Park Police” officer arrives. The area in front of the market and where the other police car is located across the street in front of the store is blacked out as is area around the “mystery car” across the street and somebody visible in the restaurant surveillance footage standing in a doorway.

“Park Police” officer body cam shows him entering his car: door opens @ 1:06 minutes in to the video (timestamped 1:13:23), sits down in car @ 1:16 minutes in (timestamped 1:13:32), begins turning steering wheel at 1:17 in (timestamped 1:13:35)

THEN AT 1:19 into the video (timestamped 1:16) the video JERKS again .. At this point the “Park Police” officer is already across the street, parked such that the surveillance camera no longer picks up Floyd, and getting out of his car. As the “Park Police” officer gets out of his car there is nobody appparent on sidewalk or on either side of the street. A yellow bicycle is against the market. The officers (Chauvin and one other) tell the “Park Police” officer to go to the other (Floyd’s) car across the street which he does.

At 1:45 in (timestamped 1:15:18) the “Park Police” officer gets to the other side of the other street and the front doors of the (Floyd) car are open and appears both the man with dredlocks and woman are inside. The “Park Police” officer directs them to leave the car alone. As the “Park Police” officer is facing across the street, the “mystery car” is still there though partially blacked out and the doors to the Floyd car are closed, the man with dredlocks and woman apparently against the wall (in black redacted areas).

THEN ... at 2:27 in (timestamped 1:16:01) - JERK - the video changes again - and VOILA - the “mystery car” has DISAPPEARED! When it restarts, at 2:31 in, the body cam footage is timestamped 1:26:45


There is some audio on this video which presumably could sync the body cam footage with the dispatch logs ... presuming they didn’t all burn up when the precinct was burned down after a search warrant was finally issued three (3) days later. Meanwhile, as the officer looks back over to where Floyd is - on the other corner of the other street ... at 2:34 in (timestamped 1:26:49), what is happening with Floyd can’t be seen because of where the “Park Police” officer positioned his vehicle (to obstruct view of what would then transpire). NOTE at this point there does appear to be two people on the sidewalk then near the rear of the other (Chauvin?) police car ... though those people do not appear on the video shown as being taken from the other side of the street.

NOW ... how is that footage supposedly obtained from the other side of street are able to see the police car WITHOUT all of this traffic intervening in a camera shot from the other side of the street ... I’ve not reviewed since but I don’t recall those shots being obscured though this view is obscured because of the placement of the “Park Police” car.

NOTE - there is no interest in detaining the “individual” who was actually reported by the store owner as to have been “caught” trying to pass a counterfeit bill. The officer then leaves the man with dredlocks and woman against the wall and heads over to the other side of the street at 3:06 in (timestamped 1:27:12)

Then ... just as we might get a glimpse of what’s happening with Floyd across the street ...

POOF! The body cam video jerks again! at 3:06 in (timestamped 1:27:22) - when the video re-engages at 3:07 in it is timestamped 1:29:11 - WHERE ARE THOSE 2 MINUTES we might see what’s actually happening with Floyd and maybe even which side of the car he’s then on.

AT 3:37 in (timestamped 1:29:42) - THE AMBULANCE HAS ALREADY ARRIVED!

THIS IS ONLY TOTAL OF MAXIMUM 13 MINUTES! The other video shown to the world with Chauvin choking Floyd purports to show 8 minutes and 46 seconds of Chauvin with his foot on Floyd’s neck.


At 4:15 in (timestamped 1:30:20) the AMBULANCE IS ALREADY LEAVING the scene and the officer (not Chauvin?) has returned to his (other) car in front of the market across the street from the “Park Police” officer.


AT TIMESTAMP 1:16 Floyd has just gotten to the police car on the driver’s side along the curb and has fallen to the ground ON THE OTHER of the car from the position where Floyd is supposedly being choked on the ground on the rear passenger side of the police car.




I’d considered that the reason one can’t see anybody filming the footage from the sidewalk was because there was a lot of time involved here ... but, POOF, there is/was none.


515 posted on 06/07/2020 8:59:00 PM PDT by Steven W.
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To: Steven W.

This is from

I have not tested any of the links to see if they go to a real URL address;
I have not validated any of the stories.

My only point is — all of this, if true, happened BEFORE the George Floyd case,
and BEFORE calls to remove the police.

What will happen AFTER there is no police force?
Minneapolis is about to see the white flight which hit the East Coast
in the 60s or 70s.

Six Somali Americans arrested on Terrorism Charges

How Robert Mueller’s FBI allowed Minnesota to become a Somali Terror Hub

Somali teen recruited by Islamic group, killed under mysterious circumstances | 2009

American Identified as Bomber in Attack on African Union in Somalia | 2011;

Americans Slip from Minnesota to Somali Terror Group: FBI | 2012

Why are there Jihadists in Minnesota? | 2013

Minneapolis has become recruiting ground for Islamic Extremists | 2014

The Twin Cities have an ISIS Problem | 2015

Fears grow that more MN Somali youth have gone to ISIS | 2015

Minnesota has a terror recruiting problem | 2015

Minneapolis leads the nation in would-be ISIL terrorist from US | 2015

Feds link Minneapolis ISIS suspect to al-Shabab | 2016

Clinton resettled 33K Somali Refugees, Bush Resettled 49K, Obama resettled 47K | 2016

9 Somali men in Minnesota sentenced this week on terrorism charges | 2016

MN Woman gets probation for supporting al-Shabab | 2017

Ilhan Omar’s Congressional District is the Terror Recruiting Capital of the US | 2019

How Minneapolis’ Somali Community became the terrorist recruitment capital of the US | 2019


Up to 3 American teens involved in Kenyan mall massacre

Cop who killed Justine Diamond already under investigation for assault and battery of another woman

Somali Gangs ran Sex Ring in 3 states | 2010

Somali Gangs ran Sex Ring in 3 States | 2010

Minneapolis Teen kills girlfriend with shot to head | 2015

Somalian American Teen sent to boarding school in Somalia, killed and tortured for being too American | 2015

ISIS wing claims responsibility for Minnesota mall attack | 2016

Muslim Refugees Threaten MN neighborhood with rape | 2016

Female Genital Mutilation comes to Minnesota | 2017

Minneapolis Organization helps girls, women deal with consequences of mutilation | 2017

The Minnesota Fight against Female Genital Mutilation | 2017

The Farhio House offers Safe Haven to Muslim Women Fleeing Abuse | 2017

Mohamed Noor Somali Police Officer Shoots Australian woman Justine Diamond | 2017

Somali Muslim migrants violently riot at MN Amusement Park on Law Enforcement Appreciation Day | 2018

Former student sets fires on St. Catherine Campus in retaliation against US military intervention | 2018

Mohamed Noor/Justine Diamond: Judge calls video ‘visceral and shocking’ | 2019

Mob attacks man outside of MN Twins Stadium | 2019

Somali Teens cited for metal pipe attack and chasing people with hammers | 2019

Fire destroys lakeside restaurant pavilion | 2019

Murder charges filed in north Minneapolis Somali gang shooting | 2019

Teen charged with murder in MN Somali Outlaws gang shooting | 2019

Somali Community impacted by recent crime, arrests | 2019

Senseless Killing of Somali Elder raises issues | 2019

Somali Transnational Crime Study | 2019

Minneapolis “Little Mogadishu” Neighborhood sees 56% increase in violent crimes caused by Somali Gangs | 2019

Somali-born US citizen arrested in Minneapolis, charged with kidnapping journalist in Somalia | 2019


Unvaccinated Somali American children spread measles | 2017


MN Somali women found guilty of raising money for Somali Terror group | 2011

DHS gives all-access tour to Muslim Community Members of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport | 2017

Massive Somali Daycare Fraud Scheme sends $100 Million taxpayer $$ overseas | 2018

Mogadishu, MN: Massive Daycare Fraud | 2018

Somali Muslim Immigrants Steal Millions in Welfare from MN | 2018

Gangs, Retaliations in Muslim Somali Community | 2019

MN Muslim woman arrested for voting twice on purpose | 2019


MN Muslims: “We Want Shariah” | 2015

Miss Minnesota contestant first woman to wear burkini and hijab | 2016

Rapper protests HBO show about terrorism | 2016

Metro Transit police offer Somali language classes to officers | 2016

Swimteam changes Red, White, & Blue suits to Black to make Muslim swimmers more comfortable | 2017

Mayor Betsy Hodges changed police department policy to hire, receipt Somali Muslims | 2017

The Islamization of MN Media | 2018

Somali women fight for better work conditions at Amazon | 2019

Islamic Call to Prayer Ushered in over Loudspeakers for the first time in history | 2020

519 posted on 06/07/2020 9:49:35 PM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: Steven W.; Tobias Grimsley; WildHighlander57; bitt; thinden; little jeremiah; fedupjohn; ...
I am very happy to report that the huge number of new cases reported on Friday ... can be ignored.

This had to be, in accounting terms, an "out-of-period" adjustment--a catch-up of some sort.

I don't know when the alleged Cases reflected in the Friday SPIKE actually occurred; but, it probably wasn't in the last few weeks. I'm guessing they may have been from January-March, before cases were being methodically tracked in the centralized databases.

Saturday and Sunday fell right back in the NEW LINEAR MODEL channel ... even pushing the bottom of the channel. I believe if the "Riot Spike" were real, it would have had to have some carry-over.


United States CHINAVIRUS Cases ("Total" includes "Recoveries")

Date    	New	 Total   	New Linear Model
        	Cases	 Cases   	Since
        	Actual	 Actual 	5/9/2020
3/14/2020		 2,717 	
3/15/2020	 761 	 3,478 	
3/16/2020	 1,167 	 4,645 	
3/17/2020	 1,717 	 6,362 	
3/18/2020	 1,407 	 7,769 	
3/19/2020	 5,911 	 13,680 	
3/20/2020	 5,605 	 19,285 	
3/21/2020	 7,462 	 26,747 	
3/22/2020	 8,478 	 35,225 	
3/23/2020	11,107 	 46,332 	
3/24/2020	 8,816 	 55,148 	
3/25/2020	13,870 	 69,018 	
3/26/2020	16,635 	 85,653 	
3/27/2020	19,363 	 105,016 	
3/28/2020	19,448 	 124,464 	
3/29/2020	17,892 	 142,356 	
3/30/2020	22,003 	 164,359 	
3/31/2020	25,151 	 189,510 	
4/1/2020	27,005 	 216,515 	
4/2/2020	28,698 	 245,213 	
4/3/2020	32,740 	 277,953 	
4/4/2020	34,123 	 312,076 	
4/5/2020	25,544 	 337,620 	
4/6/2020	30,576 	 368,196 	
4/7/2020	31,916 	 400,112 	
4/8/2020	32,020 	 432,132 	
4/9/2020	33,618 	 465,750 	
4/10/2020	35,551 	 501,301 	
4/11/2020	31,942 	 533,243 	
4/12/2020	27,289 	 560,532 	
4/13/2020	26,623 	 587,155 	
4/14/2020	26,937 	 614,092 	
4/15/2020	30,468 	 644,560 	
4/16/2020	35,221 	 679,781 	
4/17/2020	30,550 	 710,331 	
4/18/2020	29,521 	 739,852 	
4/19/2020	24,413 	 764,265 	
4/20/2020	28,648 	 792,913 	
4/21/2020	32,128 	 825,041 	
4/22/2020	24,051 	 849,092 	
4/23/2020	37,617 	 886,709 	
4/24/2020	38,329 	 925,038 	
4/25/2020	35,858 	 960,896 	
4/26/2020	26,426 	 987,322 	
4/27/2020	23,185 	 1,010,507 	
4/28/2020	25,258 	 1,035,765 	
4/29/2020	28,807 	 1,064,572 	
4/30/2020	30,638 	 1,095,210 	
5/1/2020	36,242 	 1,131,452 	
5/2/2020	29,312 	 1,160,764 	
5/3/2020	27,358 	 1,188,122 	
5/4/2020	24,778 	 1,212,900 	
5/5/2020	24,763 	 1,237,663 	
5/6/2020	25,520 	 1,263,183 	
5/7/2020	29,440 	 1,292,623 	
5/8/2020	29,162 	 1,321,785 	
5/9/2020	25,524 	 1,347,309 	 1,347,309 
5/10/2020	20,329 	 1,367,638 	 1,369,669 
5/11/2020	18,196 	 1,385,834 	 1,392,029 
5/12/2020	22,802 	 1,408,636 	 1,414,389 
5/13/2020	21,712 	 1,430,348 	 1,436,749 
5/14/2020	27,245 	 1,457,593 	 1,459,109 
5/15/2020	26,692 	 1,484,285 	 1,481,469 
5/16/2020	23,488 	 1,507,773 	 1,503,829 
5/17/2020	19,891 	 1,527,664 	 1,526,189 
5/18/2020	22,630 	 1,550,294 	 1,548,549 
5/19/2020	20,279 	 1,570,573 	 1,570,909 
5/20/2020	22,466 	 1,593,039 	 1,593,269 
5/21/2020	27,863 	 1,620,902 	 1,615,629 
5/22/2020	24,192 	 1,645,094 	 1,637,989 
5/23/2020	21,734 	 1,666,828 	 1,660,349 
5/24/2020	19,608 	 1,686,436 	 1,682,709 
5/25/2020	19,790 	 1,706,226 	 1,705,069 
5/26/2020	19,049 	 1,725,275 	 1,727,429 
5/27/2020	20,528 	 1,745,803 	 1,749,789 
5/28/2020	22,658 	 1,768,461 	 1,772,149 
5/29/2020	25,069 	 1,793,530 	 1,794,509 
5/30/2020	23,290 	 1,816,820 	 1,816,869 
5/31/2020	20,350 	 1,837,170 	 1,839,229 
6/1/2020	22,153 	 1,859,323 	 1,861,589 
6/2/2020	21,882 	 1,881,205 	 1,883,949 
6/3/2020	20,578 	 1,901,783 	 1,906,309 
6/4/2020	22,268 	 1,924,051 	 1,928,669 
6/5/2020	41,657 	 1,965,708 	 1,951,029 
6/6/2020	22,876 	 1,988,584 	 1,973,389 
6/7/2020	18,825 	 2,007,409 	 1,995,749 
6/8/2020		        	 2,018,109 
6/9/2020	 -   	         	 2,040,469 
6/10/2020	 -   	         	 2,062,829 
6/11/2020	 -   	        	 2,085,189 
6/12/2020	 -        		 2,107,549 
6/13/2020	 -           		 2,129,909 
6/14/2020	 -           		 2,152,269 
6/15/2020	 -          		 2,174,629 
6/16/2020	 -         		 2,196,989 
6/17/2020	 -           		 2,219,349 
6/18/2020	 -       		 2,241,709 
6/19/2020	 -        		 2,264,069 

524 posted on 06/07/2020 10:00:39 PM PDT by Disestablishmentarian ("the right of the people peaceably to assemble")
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To: Steven W.
Did you all catch this today?

Autopsy Doctor for George Floyd was same doctor for MLK JFK And Jeffery Epstein Autopsy’s!!!!

😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳— Mike Bravo (@mikebravodude) June 7, 2020

543 posted on 06/07/2020 11:49:00 PM PDT by Ymani Cricket (America's glory is not dominion, but liberty - John Quincy Adams)
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To: Steven W.

Out of curiosity, because I saw it mentioned somewhere else, I looked at the Speedway fuel prices.

At 1:25 on the body cam, it looks like the Diesel price is 99 (green letters). I can’t make out the regular price. Now, I can’t find the current price on Gas Buddy for that station.

573 posted on 06/08/2020 4:18:39 AM PDT by Gvl_M3
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To: Steven W.


598 posted on 06/08/2020 7:17:31 AM PDT by John4.11 (Matthew 5:43-45 love your enemies, bless those who curse you)
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To: Steven W.

Excellent analysis of the Floyd arrest vid. Much to ponder...

604 posted on 06/08/2020 7:55:53 AM PDT by Melian ( Check yourself before you KeK yourself. ~ Melian)
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To: Steven W.
I’d considered that the reason one can’t see anybody filming the footage from the sidewalk was because there was a lot of time involved here ... but, POOF, there is/was none.

I can see Chauvin w/o gloves. When did he put them on? While he was holding Floyd down?

631 posted on 06/08/2020 8:56:27 AM PDT by darbymcgill
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To: All; bagster


The “Park Police” officer is on the scene with Floyd AFTER the ambulance arrives. In the body cam video, at that point, it’s already dusk, but in these videos it’s still fairly bright. There are no cars on Chicago Ave. but a bus crosses the intersection that I think is visible from the body cam video from the other corner ... there’s something inconsistent here I can’t nail down yet.

642 posted on 06/08/2020 9:10:29 AM PDT by Steven W.
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