Update 2-27-20 3:42PM CST: Its been 24 hrs so lets bring this full circle. That last post really made the rounds and it sparked a lot of opinions, emotions, and touched some tender spots. Unfortunately it spawned some rather personal commentary too.
Just to give you some history, we have actually experienced people report their illegal drugs being stolen, being ripped off in a drug deal, being sold a look-a-like illegal substance, etc. We have even experienced drunk drivers coming to pick up arrested drunk drivers as their "sober responsible party". So this attempt, although a long shot, still had some possibility behind it. We will take those easy grabs at removing poison from our community whenever we can. That is our role which we un-apologetically must fulfill. It is our hope that an arrest would be the positive catalyst someone may need to start recovery. It is our hope that every drug arrest both works to hold offenders accountable for their deeds and provides them with a path toward treatment options. It is truly heart-warming when we see people succeed in such circumstances. It does happen!
The previous post commentary was filled with experiences, expertise, successes, fears, and much more. It's all good conversation and, we hope, catalyst for getting people into a better place. If you know anyone that needs some help in this community there is a local resource guide attached. If you or someone else need a hand, a phone, or just a little help taking that step, WE ARE ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU!
https://co.lincoln.wi.us/ /substance_abuse_and_mental_healt
Those cops are so thoughtful!
Protect and Defend...thugs have it covered. When seconds count...
Just remember that the police can lie to you with impunity, While each and every word you say to them, true or not, will be used against you in a court of law.
And if you are the one who robbed the bank last week, the bills are marked, but you can bring them in and we’ll exchange them for unmarked ones.
HOORAY Detroit police chief James Craig...
What about all the drugs (legal and illegal) supplied by China?
Will they test my Corona beer?
Reminds me of California in the 1970s when the Parquait weed killer scare hit the marijuana smokers.
They did the same tests.
LOL...weaponized weaponized street drug?
Hard to believe that this town deals with such stupidity.
And if you’ve recently shot someone to death, just bring in the gun and we’ll file off the serial number and freshen the barrel riflings so ballistics won’t match. This service will be all free of charge.
PSA WARNING: If you have recently purchased Meth, it may be contaminated with the Corona Virus [sic]. Please take it to the Merrill Police Department and we will test it for free.
Dumb and Dumber.
Wisconsin police department says it will test your meth for coronavirus.
Why bother one or the other will kill you.
I don’t know what’s worse the coronavirus or the mental disease called liberalism afflicting our society.
this is hilarious! there’s no way a police department can run a test like that, and i doubt such a test even exists anyway ... this is equivalent to some police departments calling up criminals with outstanding warrants and telling them they won some free money and all they have to do is show up at address X to collect it, where they are promptly arrested ...
Will it test my coronavirus for meth?
Will they test donuts for corona virus?
What about acid? (asking for a friend)