Posted on 01/02/2020 4:02:14 AM PST by RoosterRedux
This is an amazing story of redemption (8:39 video). This guy was so totally lost--homeless (though formerly financially successful), heroin-addicted, gay, etc., etc., etc.
But this one young woman and her church prayed and prayed and prayed for him.
This is a powerful account of what can happen in the life of even the most spiritually, emotionally, and physically destitute of people.
You will be lifted up and blown away.
Narrative from youtube:
Danny, went to Paris in order to learn how to do hair and makeup. His hair and make-up made it to Vogue Magazine cover. He was making $3,000 per day and traveling around the world. This is where drugs became an issue. He could get any and all the drugs he wanted. A Christian Model who entered his life and started to get the church to pray for him. His life got worse and worse. He was living on the streets, sick and hearing voices. There a miracle takes place that will change his life forever.
Nowadays we hear the same thing about homosexuality.
Not so with Jesus.
I am not surprised by the power of prayer and redemption?
However, there is a Christian church-going model in high fashion???
There are a lot of Spirit attachments causing illness, addiction and gender identity issues. These go untreated as medical professionals do not recognize when it happens.
The Bible is very accurate in describing the process and importance of removing attached spirits.
Just did one last evening through prayer and the severe neck and shoulder pain was gone instantly. The spirit screamed and held on for a bit, but eventually left.
The hardest part is healing the wound that opened the door for the spirit to enter. Only God can heal wounds in a person’s soul. This is why prayers for self and others is critically important.
For the same reason that alcohol is called “spirits”, drugs open the door to the soul’s invasion even more than alcohol.
He was making $3,000 per day and traveling around the world. This is where drugs became an issue. He could get any and all the drugs he wanted.
i.e., the guy went full Hunter Biden.
Absolutely. And not only do spiritual (i.e., demonic) attachments cause problems, things like the practice of homosexuality and drug use are gateways for demonic attachment.
bump for later
Youre right.
Once a person loves Jesus theres no cure.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too!
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