I’m a cynic, I don’t really believe there is a serious investigation of anything on the left regarding the election or the coup. It’s all smoke and mirrors like the IG report. Some harsh words suggesting something bad may have happened but nobody jailed, nobody convicted, nobody even charged. ever. Just a few leaks here and there to make it look like they are serious. Then when they close the books everyone can say “the AG thoroughly and rigorously investigated this personally and determined that there simply is not a crime or even unethical behavior. It’s old news, move on”
I work in the administration of justice. It is supposed to be one of the important foundations of the justice system that the people see that justice is done and the authority of the law is vindicated. This growing sense of a lot of people that theres a two track justice system is as dangerous to the republic as the attempted coup. Whats with the slow walking of the IG report. I thought the President ordered broad declassification. That being the case, why are there going to be redactions? The travesty of the issuance of a pass to the deep state while even while we speak theyre attempting once again to overthrow the government is an abomination