Posted on 07/29/2019 11:55:18 AM PDT by ransomnote
Qanon asked
..(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?
What does this represent?
Partial of ANSWER
Gold means power (3rd chakra).
Alchemy is the religion of the elite - have learned to turn substances into gold, and gold is proven to preserve “life” - to give everlasting life. It’s why Egyptian mummies were buried in it and jewelry/money is made of it. Colloidal gold is what the Fountain of Youth was made of, and what thought to be in Atlantis “Aurum Potabilis”. -— Gold can also be used as radiation protection -
They believe gold can be turn into mana. Mana is another name for ‘life force’. They believe gold, when turned into mana, and eaten, can extend their lifespan.
They believe that their gods are so full of life that they glow like gold.
So I looked up alchemy
alchemy= medieval chemistry
the supposed science of transmutation of base metals in silver or gold
Al=The (in Arabic)
Chemical=metals, medicinals
Chemist= person versed in metals,chemicals, medicinals
Khymatos = that which is poured out (Greek)
A magical mystery tour of alchemists turning base elements into gold. Yellow cake into yellow gold and green plants into greenbacks.
Follow the yellow brick road that runs through the middle of the poppy fields and sleep, sleep. When you wake you will see flying monkeys.
Could there possibly be a double meaning for “yellow cake?”
Re Chanel 11 and NP:
Interesting. I always thought the Chanel 11 woman was Lynn de Roths.
Pelousy does have the same build, hairstyle, and posture.
Lolita Express flight records need a check for July 2013.
Hope this isn't a slide, but here are a few things on Michelle Obama. Her husband launched his presidential campaign on Oprah. Oprah appeared with him at so many events that for a while, they were perceived as a couple. Michelle got royally hacked, and Oprah mostly disappeared. Michelle has been through a grooming process, as her first public appearances were very small events with party insiders, and she was a disaster. She's angry, and made a lot of comments like "I wake up in a house every morning that was built by slaves" and complaining that being the first lady didn't pay much.
She's gotten rid of the "resting bitch face" look she always wore, and started smiling in public events. She used to go places looking like she was getting ready to shop at Dollar General.
They now keep her in very controlled environments, like the Ellen show, and feed her scripted questions. It's difficult to see her running a campaign as visible as for a presidency and stay on script. Of course, she would try the "twofer" of having her husband back in the White House, but like Hillary, not sure her ego could handle being second stage in her own presidential run.
This current crop is soooo far left that they make those three losers look like Barry Goldwater wannabes. They should just listen to POTUS...The United States will NEVER be a socialist nation!
Not only was the plane not travelling to the island It was not the lolita express
It was the smaller gulfstream jet
Trump got a ride from Florida to New York, once
I hope Muldrow cleans up that corrupt mess. And I hope he has a good security detail.
But what in the heck does this mean?
“...His human qualities emerge to know him as well as his vision and commitment to the island, said the resident commissioner.
Thanks everyone for the response about Trump on Epstein’s plane.
That's a good way to put it. But alot of the bad info is really disinfo, IMHO, designed to discourage people from believing anything that strays from the agreed upon MSM narrative.
Digging up gangster bones out of 5,000 pounds of concrete at an Indianapolis cemetery?
The remains of notorious 1930s gangster John Dillinger reportedly entombed beneath 5,000 pounds of concrete at an Indianapolis cemetery are set to be exhumed decades after the infamous killer was gunned down by FBI agents.
The Indiana State Department of Health approved a permit July 3 that was sought by Dillingers nephew, Michael C. Thompson, and will result in the body being exhumed from Crown Hill Cemetery and then reinterred there, The Associated Press reported.
Why? Details are scarce, but a History Channel spokesperson told the Indianapolis Star it was for an “upcoming project,” without elaborating.
Health Department spokeswoman Jeni OMalley says the agency expected Dillingers remains to be exhumed and reinterred Sept. 16, based on the permit. The Crown Hill Cemetery said it had no information regarding the plans.
That is just amazing. Such a blessing.
IIRC Coats leaves on the 15th of August. Ratcliffe won't be approved until this fall or later. IMHO the Scaramucci model applies to whoever POTUS appoints to run DNI in the interim.
Yes, unfortunately. Prayers up.
just saw it - the carnage - only 3 posts removed...I’m sad.. :)
Thank you, appreciate correction.
So the derps knew Sessions was a good guy and voted against him.
Nadler stuck his head back in his trousers and zipped them up.
Is that called a Reverse Turtle?
Hillary may be waiting in the wings, but I don’t think she can campaign from Gitmo.
See Ormus.
That probably frustrates me more than anything else.
By the power vested in me by nobody in particular, I declare that we must educate the care bears, Eeyores and Noonans.
Care Bears -- People who are too prissy to go toe to toe because "we're not like that," while getting gaslit, doxxed and attacked.Bags, thanks for the brilliant comment that got me agitated enough to do this stupid soliloquy.Noonans -- Named after Peggy Noonan, who's a conservative that doesn't care what happens to the country as long as the cocktail parties are pleasant and no one acts rudely.
Eeyores -- People who show up and say, "nothing's going to change, no one will ever go to jail. (Darned right nothing's going to change and no one's going to jail if all you do is sit back and take it.)
His excuse was it was too cold out.
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