just saw it - the carnage - only 3 posts removed...I’m sad.. :)
This video is supposed to be trump response to Dem debate but it is currently Gloria allred discussing Epstein victms
I'm pinging Jim on this because I'm mentioning him. Free Republic has done a great job allowing a Q meeting place, where we can disseminate and develop theories, pass meme material to each other and spread the word.
By restricting it to one thread at a time, it's allowed us to avoid the issues faced by other sites that have trolls, concern trolls, attackers, and people who deliberately post stuff that violates terms and conditions in an effort to get the site shut down (Reddit, for example.) Inside this thread, he's allowed the people running it to eliminate posts from the obvious trolls to the point that they don't even try much, anymore.
I have never met Jim or any of the people who run FR, but If I was a betting man, I would wager that he gets a lot of pressure from outside sources (and I don't mean FR posters) to shut this thread down. We all know there are sites that won't let FR excerpt, and would love to have an excuse to file lawsuits. The shutting down of Q boards across the net is a coordinated attack, and there's no way these people don't know about the Q threads here.
What I'm saying is that while it's disappointing that posts "outside the trees" get trolled big time, we should be thankful for this thread, and it's here for anyone that wants to find it.
Matter of fact, I just decided to make a second donation to this quarter's Freepathon. Everyong who appreciates this site should do likewise.