Hope this isn't a slide, but here are a few things on Michelle Obama. Her husband launched his presidential campaign on Oprah. Oprah appeared with him at so many events that for a while, they were perceived as a couple. Michelle got royally hacked, and Oprah mostly disappeared. Michelle has been through a grooming process, as her first public appearances were very small events with party insiders, and she was a disaster. She's angry, and made a lot of comments like "I wake up in a house every morning that was built by slaves" and complaining that being the first lady didn't pay much.
She's gotten rid of the "resting bitch face" look she always wore, and started smiling in public events. She used to go places looking like she was getting ready to shop at Dollar General.
They now keep her in very controlled environments, like the Ellen show, and feed her scripted questions. It's difficult to see her running a campaign as visible as for a presidency and stay on script. Of course, she would try the "twofer" of having her husband back in the White House, but like Hillary, not sure her ego could handle being second stage in her own presidential run.
No way Barack Obamao would be back in the WH with Michelle as president; he will be in Gitmo.