I want him protected from life-threatening incidents so he can serve ALL of his time.
By all accounts, he’s arrogant, whiny, condescending, egotistical, and a rat. Traits that don’t endear him to the staff or the other prisoners. He’s not well-suited for prison life.
Don’t forget, he’s still got that ringworm fungal infection all over his body too. And his days in medical lockup after the beating were spent handcuffed to his bed. [snicker]
Guess he misses ordering stupid women to do horrible acts.
I want him protected from life-threatening incidents so he can snitch.
I don't give a damn if he serves ALL of his time. Once he's wrung dry, I'd like to read about him being jumped in the shower and given the Dahmer treatment.
But that's just me. I'm a bad man.
(love my mama, though)
How about if they protect him from getting killed, but allow him a supervised daily beating?