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To: ransomnote; StormFlag; TEXOKIE; CPT Clay; buffaloguy; grey_whiskers; Wingy; bitt; Shady; ...
Vol.#120 (Part 1)
(Part 1 of 2)


Q did it to us again. He posted from early morning and didn't stop till late night. Lets get right to it. But first, lets see what stories the Oracle is following.

Due to a deluge of Q activity and time requests, the Oracle editor has decided to offer the day's Q in two parts in order to get these important postings out to his faithful readers in a (semi) timely manner.

Look for part 2 in a theater new you.

~~~ Side note: There are about a bajillionty MORE Q posts in the chute from today.


Q and I have a love/hate relationship.


Now, lets see what stories the Oracle is following.

  • Here's an excellent piece on the Donald and how he operates.

    Little Jeremiah- Warriors. How-Trump-s Praetorian Is Saving The Republic.


    Recent events indicate that President Donald J. Trump’s praetorian guard have been at work. As Rex explains, patriots should be grateful. And the enemies of the Republic, terrified.

    Are we to believe, after reading this, that Donald Trump would not particpate in and authorized a Qanon operation?

    Nukka, please.

  • Lisa Mei Crowley twittered a link to an FR thread from back in September. The thread was put up by a newly signed up, alleged FReeper (JME Fan) and authored by an internet personage who Q linked to in an earlier post.

    She linked it to illustrate that the guy, "Carpe Donktum" is anti-Q. It was one of the best Q vs. anti-Q rumbles I can remember.

    This post from AzNascarFan to anti-Q extremist/activist, our old buddy Windflier was front and center .

    To: Windflier.

    LOL not important enough... has 60-70K people online at any given time, that is one of 4 sites I know of to find Q’s posts. Great Awakening had 2 million unique hits last month and 40K comments daily and it was only 1 of 17 subreddits closed down that day. Our FR Qanon threads get 1000 comments a day.

    There is a LONG list of Qanon groups on Facebook if you search for them and the first one I pulled up is currently at 52K members and that is just scratching the surface of what I myself know of. There are numerous video bloggers, decoding Q with their own followers.

    Another person on Twitter tweeted to Mei about our merry band of happy warriors and provided her with a link to THE QANON THREAD.

    Here is the FR thread Mei linked to.

    Interesting that Mei found a five month old Free Republic thread to make her point, yea?

    Here's the twat that the other guy linked to THIS VERY THREAD.


    Free Republic does not allow Q posts on their main board. However, there are members who DO post about Q. Here is a link you might like, Lisa. You’ve got a mention!

    Our voices are being heard.

  • Remember the sad tale of Jussie Smollet, the gay actor that said two MAGA white people attacked him? EVERYBODY knew from the git that this was a fake hate crime.

    Now, the wheels are coming off.

    bitt-Smollet Busted.

    (excerpts/2 links)

    Nigerian Bros Purchased the Rope Found Around Jussie Smollett’s Neck From Ace Hardware.

    Jussie Smollett Case: Brothers Questioned By Police Were Paid $3,500 To Stage Attack, Which Was Rehearsed Days Before, Sources Say.

    One of my faves commented, brought to us by TxBubba.

    Duke Lacrosse = Lie
    UVA frat rape = Lie
    Covington Kids = Lie
    Kavanaugh = Lie
    Every Muslim chick howling that someone snagged her headscarf = Lie
    Every campus noose = Lie
    Jussie Smollett = Lie

    Anyone sense a theme?

    — Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter)
    February 16, 2019

    In preparation for tonight's festivities, Limerick Guy, aka hillarynot brought us this, at open mic night.

    hillarynot-Q says the time’s drawing near.


    Q says the time’s drawing near
    And the derps are all running in fear
    The plans taking shape and none will escape
    That’s the news we’ve been waiting to hear

    I get up every morning with hope
    That this day will bring out the rope
    It’s time to reveal, so our country can heal
    How far we’ve slid down the slope

    (full at link)

    Now let's move on to Q.


New: Title TBD

Army Chief of Engineers?
How long have Anons known?
FAKE NEWS attacking us daily?
D's are predictable (stupid).
Nothing to See Here
Q The photo is of the first time Q posted about RED CASTLE/GREEN CASTLE, which was him telling us about the Army Corp of Engineers being the plan to fund and build the wall. This was March 23, 2018.

The linked tweet contains this, along with a photo;

After declaring a national emergency, President @realDonaldTrump is briefed by U.S. Army Chief of Engineers, Commanding General Ltg. Todd T. Semonite on the status to date of the border wall - and all future construction, to begin along the southern border...

So, to answer Q's question, since March of 2018, that's how long anons (and we) have known about what is pictured in the posted photo and tweet and that it was going to happen (once it was decoded, that is).

Recall all the kvetching of the people beyond the trees that whole time, as we enjoyed our popcorn.

Q emphasis FUTURE CONSTRUCTION to soothe the breasts of the nervous nellies who STILL don't trust the President and his BUILD THE WALL strategy.

Here are FReeQish thoughts and research on the matter.

Serkit-Previous National Emergencies.


You would think drug trafficking, child slavery, slavery in general, destabilizing inflow of illegal foreigners, smuggling of criminals like MS-13 and middle-eatern thugs would rank fairly high compared to some of the items listed below that triggered National Emergencies by former Presidents.

Some analysis from LS.

Little Jeremiah/LS-Wall Analysis: The Path Ahead

Unrepentant VN Vet posted these thoughts.

Unrepentant VN Vet-Rush Limbaugh said this Friday


I’d picked up this thread this morning fully expecting a Mardi Gras parade of ‘rats/NeverTrumpers celebrating their giant Gotcha and what do I see?


New: Title TBD
On the daily.

Remember that video by this same CARPEDONKTUM of the SOTU that got pulled down for "copyright violations"? Here's another one by the same guy (video at link).

The Youtube video (just in case).

haffast-The Twitter Fight At No Wall Corral.

Lyin' Jim Acosta gets beat like he stole somethin'.

For further, see this link and the reportage on the front page of the Oracle regarding Lisa Mei and this subject.

bitt-FreeRepublic Mention On Lisa Mei.

There was no reporting on what Q meant by ON THE DAILY. The Daily Show? The Daily Trump twitter thread?




New: Title TBD

Anon posts this photo and a link.

And Q then posts this.

You have more than you know.
Why did [LL] [ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES] grant 'special entry' to Natalia Veselnitskaya (Don Jr. 'set up' meeting)?
Why was [NV] barred from entering prior to?
If you have no real evidence of 'Russian Collusion' you must attempt to manufacture.

The anon link is to the tweet displayed.

This post is a very complicated way to say this, which Q posted about way back in August of 2018 (as seen in his repost).

The Russian chick [NV] was a manufactured "Russia Collusion" trap set up by the Dems/Clinton operatives, including Fusion GPS, who met with [NV] before and after the "meeting" with Trump Jr.

[NV] received SPECIAL approval to enter the U.S. directly and personally from AG Loretta Lynch [LL], after having previously been BARRED from entry. Q asks why she was barred, and there is no clear reporting on that question as of this writing.

After much pondering and discussion, here's the Oracle dissection of the Q repost with regards to this latest post.


Q beings by documenting that [LL] personally had to give [NV] SPECIAL APPROVAL to enter the U.S.

He then says [Natalia Veselnitskaya] > Manafort.

(jumping ahead)

Surveilling a "foriegner" like [NV] [HOPPED] to Manafort, and on down the line (Umbrella). (More later).

He then goes on to talk about the FISA warrants and contiunations [1-4], and how they were ISSUED/APPROVED for Manafort, Papadopoulis, Page, and FLYNN, who were all subsequently criminally charged.

These four were TARGETE(D), REMOVE(D), AND SILENCE(D) because they were illegally surveilled with foriegn UK assistance (5eyes).

They were caught up in UPSTREAM COLLECTION, TANGENT CONTACTS (with [NV] or those connected with her), otherwise known as UMBRELLA SURVEILLANCE.

Q explains that FOREIGN TARGET DESIGNATORS (like [NV) create leapfrog (HOPS) to ISOLATED REAL TARGETS.

Q highlights ISOLATED in this passage, which seems to indicate, due to the Don Jr. photo that, in this case, the HOP was to ISOLATED REAL TARGET Don Trump Jr., who met with [NV] in the set-up meeting.

It's not clear what Q means by NON F COMMS here.

Q then mentions section [702], which refers to the FISA Amendments Act.

Section 702

ransomnote-The Way the NSA Uses Section 702 is Deeply Troubling. Here’s Why.


The most recent disclosure of classified NSA documents revealed that the British spy agency GCHQ sought unfettered access to NSA data collected under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act. Not only does this reveal that the two agencies have a far closer relationship than GCHQ would like to publicly admit, it also serves as a reminder that surveillance under Section 702 is a real problem that has barely been discussed, much less addressed, by Congress or the President.

Q then links to the NSA/CSS homepage.

Q then gives an illustration for dummies of how UPSTREAM COLLECTION + TANGENT CONTACTS [UMBRELLA SURV] works.

P talks to X
X talks to Y
Y talks to Z


In other words, surveilling P gets you to Z, and all the data along the way.

Z being the REAL TARGET, in this case, Trump Jr, who HOPS to Trump himself, eventually.

Foriegn (UK) ASSIST allows the DECONSTRUCT of normal FISA laws and procedures which includes D2-SPY INSERT ([NV]?). Not sure the meaning of D2 here.

Once FISA is DECONSTRUCT(ED) by allowable foreign surveillance and BY foriegn (UK) assist, then Non-FISA are possible actions are allowed, including warrants and special operations, with regards to both classified and public information, on American citizens, which would not normally be allowed under FISA.

Okay. That was a line by line dissection of the Q post and repost.

Simple version: The derps used [NK] to set-up Don Jr at the "set-up" meeting, which also gave false justification to surveil other Trump targets.

Here are some links to FReeQ research, information, and analysis of this post.

ransomnote-Section [702] Discussion., TEXOKIE-[NV], bitt-[NV], bitt-Trump Jr/[NV] Meeting., TEXOKIE/bitt-[NV], stylin19a-2 [NV] Articles.

KittenClaws-[NK] In Congress.

(pic of [NK] in Congress)

Oh, and just for some icing on the cake, check out this pic that Biggbob found.

GREAT research on [NK] turned in by FReeQ reporters. The Oracle apologizes for this LENGTHY interp of the post, but I felt it was important to breakdown, as it outlines the basic derp scheme regarding the RUSSIA HOAX/MUELLER investigation.

I shall endeavoer to be more concise in the future.


New: Title TBD
Bigger than you realize.
Purpose of FAKE NEWS attacks (slow growth/reach).

From the linked tweet;

Another one in Jersey City NJ #WWG1GWA NJ
#Qanon NJ #BuildTheWall #QArmy


The photo demonstrates, as Q says, that the Q movement is bigger than we might realize. He further states that the purpose of the FAKE MEDIA is to slow the growth and reach of the movement.

Haffast found this.

Interesting. Notice not quite half way down you see a horizontal line. Didn't know if it was some digital glitch anywhere from the camera that was used to file compression/format to my screen.


New: Title TBD

Similar to below?

The first link is to a tweeter photo of a door (looks UK or European) with a large Q painted on it and a guy standing next to it.

Q notes the similarity of the Q movement and it's symbology with the movie (second link) "V For Vendetta".

In that movie, a huge underground revolutionary movement was marked by graffitti of the letter "V" (for Vendetta. Get it?).


By their symbols you shall know them.


New: Title TBD

How do you know when the media is biased and pushing a knowingly false (fake) narrative?
Disinformation campaign designed to buy ‘them’ more time by attempting to ‘con’ enough people in order to remove the duly elected POTUS in order to ‘save’ themselves from prosecution.
Enemy of the People.

(excerpt from link)

The same networks that spent 2,202 minutes of collective airtime to push the Russia Collusion Media-Hoax are refusing to cover the Senate Intelligence Committee bipartisan report, which found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

This post requires little interpretation.


New: Title TBD

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." - 2 Thessalonians 3:3
"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." - Matthew 6:13

As it appears that things are coming to a head, Q offers prayers.

Perhaps a message within a message? This was offered up on a twitter feed.


You do notice that the Verse Numbers add up to 55:17. As every Q Reader knows 5 by 5 and 17 are significant on all these boards.

See you in the funny papers.

The biggest mystery of all just might be, when will the Oracle catch up. Stay tuned, hungry readers. Keep hope alive.

We are the Mouth of America.
Not all can hear our voice, but more do every day.
Can you hear us?

Will you join in our crusade?

The adventure continues tomorrow, sportsfans. See ya ‘round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.


1,003 posted on 02/17/2019 7:30:59 PM PST by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: bagster

Wow! I made the Oracle! Blush.

1,010 posted on 02/17/2019 7:39:06 PM PST by TXBubba ( Democrats: If they don't abort you then they will tax you to death.)
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To: bagster

The Oracle is so far behind. And getting behinder every minute.

Bet you’re sorry you fired those interns now, aren’t you, baggie?

(srsly, thanks for the Oracle)

1,014 posted on 02/17/2019 7:49:04 PM PST by generally ( Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that.)
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To: bagster

Wow, you got this out already? Outstanding!

1,032 posted on 02/17/2019 8:18:52 PM PST by MileHi (Liberalism is an ideology of parasites, hypocrites, grievance mongers, victims, and control freaks.)
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To: bagster
Thanks for including my contribution ref previous National Emergencies in your Evening Edition of "The Oracle Speaks".

There is only one Q but Q, and Bagster is his Oracle.(TM)

1,049 posted on 02/17/2019 8:34:39 PM PST by SERKIT ("Blazing Saddles" explains it all.......)
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To: bagster

Huge ThanQyous.

You are shining.

1,057 posted on 02/17/2019 8:41:08 PM PST by little jeremiah (When we do not punish evildoers we are ripping the foundations of justice from future generations)
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To: bagster

Another excellent Oracle! Thanks!

1,059 posted on 02/17/2019 8:45:21 PM PST by Pete from Shawnee Mission
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To: bagster

Besides the usual kudos, Bags, you have a great comedic style of writing, and someday, when we’re all comfy in our safe freedom-lovin’ country again, you might want to start writing for some good on-line websites.


1,093 posted on 02/17/2019 9:24:50 PM PST by bitt (new q post)
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To: bagster
Q sent this to you....or did he?

No rest for the weary. None needed for The Oracle.

Thank-you for your service.


1,102 posted on 02/17/2019 9:30:24 PM PST by haffast (Alternate universes held together by porridge.)
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To: bagster

From a tweeter acct Pennsy_Patriot

2h2 hours ago

Here is the list of Socialists and Communists in congress!

All in one place.

1,115 posted on 02/17/2019 9:54:14 PM PST by missthethunder
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To: bagster

I can’t find it now but someone posted
on this or the last thread that said and I’m paraphrasing

They thought maybe Laura showed Jeb the following

Barr will be AG.

This is a great guess. I like it.

Seeing Jeb so scared was great.

What ever it was, one of the Bush girls should
make sure that note that scared Jeb is
kept for the future.

It could be worth a lot of money.

1,138 posted on 02/17/2019 10:27:34 PM PST by missthethunder
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