The Qanteen is starting to resemble Mara Logo.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `
Mara Lago of the Mountains! LOL!
Qanteen Update
TEXOKIE revealed...:: We do have the outdoor cooking area on the patio. ::
Cletus leaps from his spinet rendition of Chicagos Colour My World to run out and check (guard!) his sausage in the smoker and his _whole brisket_ in the BBQ.
As he sprints to the outdoor cooking area on the patio, he is heard saying, Aint nobody better be messin in MY kitchen! Yall stay out until the brisket is done; Thatll be another day and a half. Maybe Ill let The Commander and Chef in for a consult.
Anyone ever listen/watch William Mount on youtube? Is he a nut? Somehow he’s getting into my vine. Disinfo?
Am asking because this was up...
Shocking: President Rushed To Underground Bunker
William Mount
Published on Jan 2, 2019
Vid still in my window, but if I back out, the link is no longer available. Was talking about rouge Marines trying to take out POTUS (today or yesterday) and the cabal trying to take down the banking system with a 3 trillion dollar withdrawal; both were averted. They (DS) wanted a bank crash and a xxx’d POTUS on the same day.
Very disturbing.