Again another lie by flat earthers done by taking a quote out of context and then twisting it and folding it to fit in their insane theories.
We DON'T have 60's technologies and 60's plans to go to the moon. That technology does NOT exist. But we DO have 2018 technology and we have to develop plans around THAT technology. That's ALL this means and you know it. You're so caught up in PUSHING this theory because you don't want to be "wrong" and so you'll knowingly post lies in order to keep it going. That's disgusting.
It's really sad that this "Doubting Thomas" forces God to jump through hoops to conform to his own preconceived false notions.
Just let Jesus tell him to his face because none of this petty distraction affects salvation anyway. It's only a vexation for us and his ravings don't matter one whit.
TruBluKentuckian had him pegged from the start.