Outstanding post. Why am I not surprised?
Agree with the article except about "mother nature" which is not a thing, but every sub atomic particle in the universe pipes to the tune of the Maestro.
I knew a man, now deceased, who failed in business three times.
The fourth time he sold his house, his golf clubs, pawned his wife’s engagement ring. Everything of value they owned was sold or borrowed against.
The fourth time was the charm.
Using one old injection molding machine he built a successful manufacturing business that at times was an innovator in it’s field.
He bought his wife whatever she desired because she believed in him.
His children are set for life. His grandchildren are set for life.
This type of story was common in this country at one time.
The “participation” trophy generation won’t have the conviction to push beyond their first failure.
Indeed they will opt for a life of guaranteed basic income instead of risking failure.
Dear God how I hate the 21st century.
On a more serious note, thanks for giving us a "look inside"
Cruel to be Kind.
This is what Compassionate Conservatism should be.
Political scuttlebutt says that Avanatti is in negotiations with our own Laz A. Mataz for running mate in 2020. They are working to get their slogan just right.
Currently? AvanattiMataz: We’ll hit it, first!
Well spoken, Laz!!!
No surprise to say: the lion's share of FR vanities are "preaching to the choir" stuff.
But this story can be widely shared -- with all Deplorables, Leftists, and Bernie-bots. It explains what's in the heart of all the Rocky Balboas of America.
It shows why we fight in this competitive economy of ours. It's why, even bloodied by opponents or knocked downh by our stupidity, we know that victory is right around the corner.
I never send stuff from FR to my Leftists relatives. But this essay of yours I will send. Well done, Laz.
The eyes don't see well, my ears ring and my hearing is bad on top of that, I drove truck and never excersized and my body has, for all practical purposes pretty nuch shut down and all I have left is an ability to think and type .... so I do.
Your essay prompted me to consider my reality which (in my most humble opinion) is wisdom.
I have nothing to offer humanity anything but what I think I think and why.
The glory of FR for these last many years has been (and still is) the impetus to consider what someone has written and if it sparks thought, to reply and perhaps expound on that prompt.
Your essay has prompted me to renew my opinion of myself and realize I still have worth, if for no other reason than the words God allows me to have and the freedom to speak them in Jim's living room.
In the words of "Ace" in West Side Story .... "Y'done good, buddy boy"
Well-written, Laz.
I hope you shared this post.
Good article, Laz. Hoping that, within our lifetimes, we see somewhat of an ebb in the trend toward socialism in the USA. Thanks.
It’s a two Bumper, Laz!!
It has to, in addition it has to stifle learning, because you can never make everyone exceed beyond their abilities, but you can always stunt the abilities of the capable.
"I must be cruel, only to be kind." -- Hamlet
Thank you for my new velvet-covered cudgel.
She has many opportunities to choose from because she is pretty exceptional BUT, when I read such things as this I wish she would just not compete in this competition.
To me the question is to find out just how indoctrinated into the Leftist vain of thought she is.
She is struggling with the question because it is just not her.
In my opinion she is way beyond this tripe.
I delete the name just because.
It is framed and stated as follows:
The essay is required for consideration of the Presidential Scholarships. It should be of sufficient length to demonstrate your writing ability to the Scholarship Committee and to do justice to the topic:
Insert Liberal University here is committed to diversity, justice and sustainability. Our faculty seek to engage students in linking all three of these values through thoughtful involvement in academics and through service activities. Which aspects of diversity, justice and sustainability most appeal to you? How will you try to connect those three when you join the campus community?
This use to be a Christian university BTW. To me this points way left of what the target should be. She is interested in the medical field. This...just gives me a funny vibe and upsets my stomach. Diversity, justice and sustainability to me mean denial of realities of life, hate whitey, worship the false god of eviromentalism. They want my daughters mind! No! Hell no! She is smarter than that, Im not so worried about her but this generation...its bad.
Weakness of the very spirit of society has given rise to the Snowflake Generation. Now, today’s young need ‘safe spaces’ and ‘protection from triggering’.
And, to give a nod to your post, it is because we haven’t given tough love to this generation (and, almost certainly, to ANY generation this side of that idiot, Dr. Spock - who definitely said to “spare the rod.” Well, that spoiled entire generations of children. The world is a tough, cruel place. While we quite naturally seek to make it less tough and less cruel for those whom we love, our puny actions will never change all of society (which is to say, we cannot change human nature). All that we can do, by trying to be kind, is to leave those we love less (or completely) unprepared to deal with the world AS IT ACTUALLY EXISTS. We should teach our kids and grandkids to be tough competitors, while also teaching them to be kind and generous to others wherever that is possible.