HEAD’S UP: Senate is starting session, statement by the Turtle pending. There is a microphone setup outside the SCIF where press is gathered. Chris Coons says that JUSTICE K will be confirmed.
Resignations and upheaval in the gaming industry. I wonder what’s going on there? We know about the Xbox comms stuff. Something more?
from 8ch:
1.) Oneangry gamer down by massive hack
2.) Dice CEO forced out from leftist f******
3.) Blizzard president resigning
4.) Telltale closing (leftist)
5.) Xbox messaging now bannable from “hate speech”
6.) Ubisoft Rainbow 6 insta ban paid players for ANY hate speech at all. Spanish speakers cant even say Negro in their own language for black.
7.) Linux codebase in trouble from leftist creating a code of comduct that makes any coders saying hate speech banned from contributing.
8.) European markets like belgium crushig lootboxes (casino type fuckery) that promotes gaming as a vice / addiction loop. EA refusing to comply
Telltale games abruptly shut down about two weeks ago. Wonder what’s happening in the game industry that’s causing people to jump ship
President Trump met in March with executives from the video game industry about what he has claimed is a link between violence their products and real-life violence.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also said that violence in video games is “certainly something that should be looked at.”
“Video game violence & glorification must be stopped it is creating monsters!” Trump wrote in a 2012 tweet.