Posted on 09/12/2018 8:50:29 AM PDT by MtnClimber
The Washington Post has published some silly editorials over the years, but perhaps none reach the pinnacle of silliness like the editorial they published today that accuses Donald Trump in being "complicit" in a hurricane. President Trump issued several warnings on his Twitter feed Monday, counseling those in Florences projected path to prepare and listen to local officials. That was good advice. Yet when it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit. He plays down humans role in increasing the risks, and he continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks. It is hard to attribute any single weather event to climate change. But there is no reasonable doubt that humans are priming the Earths systems to produce disasters. Even if you believe the theory of global warming, stating that there is "no reasonable doubt" that humans are responsible for any increase in hurricane intensity is either a statement of ignorance or an outright lie. Data for the years 1999-2009 are analysed and tested against long term data for the North Atlantic, Eastern Pacific, Western Pacific, Northern and Southern Indian oceans. It is concluded that Hurricane intensity and frequency is significantly higher in this period in the North Atlantic. However in the Eastern Pacific, Western Pacific, Northern and Southern Indian oceans, there is no evidence of signifi- cant change.Taken together, there appears to be no significant difference in either frequency or intensity of hurricanes globally. Repeating the analysis for 1999-2007 gives the same result and this conflicts with statements made in the IPCC 2007 report.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Trump colluded with the weatherman. Women and children will be hit hardest.
These people are from the stone age, right? Are they gonna throw him into the volcano to stop the storm?
These glo-bull warming fanatics act as if hurricanes are an unprecedented incident, never before observed in all of human history.
Of course, when your history is what has happened since last month, you are a little myopic.
He was also complicit in inducing that hurricane that sent dorothys house flying into munchkinland and killing that little old lady.
And I thought it was Putin!
If you believe there’s no way an all powerful God created the earth, but a simple man named George Bush created Hurricane Katrina and steered it at might be a Democrat. :)
If Trump was as despicable as all these drooling morons say, then any reaction, no matter how violent, is justified. Their language is incitement to violence, and must be put down. Events of this week alone prove it. We must fight back like Trump: tenfold. Give no quarter.
Dem hyperbole has hit a climate changing fever pitch causing hurricanes, volcanoes, and drought all over the globe. It’s really amazing what all that hot air will do when made by so many.
yep, President Trump phoned God on his special hotline and ordered up a Cat 4 hurricane to pound the Carolinas, even though they both voted for him ...
original WaPoo link:
I’d laugh, but I just had an argument with an idiot who actually believes this.
I was just reheating last night’s pizza for lunch... Trump burned it.
Uh oh, POTUS Trump must have found the Bush Weather Machine in the White House Basement while he was walking around talking to himself in the middle of the night.
Certifiable lunacy
Brings to mind Fidel Castro accusing the United States of being responsible for hurricane damage to his imprisoned island back in the mid-1960’s.
I can't remember the name of the storm and it was so long ago the search engines available to me can't seem to find his blame-casting.
The lame-stream media today picks up where Castro left off.
It’s Africa’s fault. Hurricanes form from the warm breezes flowing over the Sahara. If Africa would just water the Sahara, this would stop.
Hello, WaPo? I’d like you to meet Mr. Reality. You know TDS a lot better than him, but I think you’ll find Mr. Reality can be your helpful friend sometimes.
Their hatred is bigger than their common sense.
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