He is way out ahead of his wisdom (what little there is). And he has the bunny boiler eyes if a crazy person....just like little Alexandria O-C.
Restricting conservatives had little to do with it.
. Dont make the mistake of thinking youre Facebooks customer, youre not youre the product. Its customers are the advertisers.
You think that rich kid could afford a proactive subscription
Or Someone should at least create websites that don't unfairly censor freedom of speech like socialist Facebook and twitter do .
And people could actually make money doing it. So why don't they do it?
You're right, I did lose a million dollars last year.
I expect to lose a million dollars this year.
I expect to lose a million dollars *next* year.
You know, Mr. Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I'll have to close this place in...60 years.
The new Tech Nazis.
Run away from this stock
It is very likely also is a harbinger
Of the next .Com bubble
Twitter is taking a dive
Probably only Amazon and Google will survive intact
How is this karma? He’s not selling the stock today, and taking the loss. It’ll go up, Wall Street knows no loyalties when it comes to profit, and they’ll see Facebook stock as under valued due to it’s past.
I don’t like him or Facebook, but reality is reality.
I doubt Ziffleberg cares. He's willing to spend billions to save the world from conservative thought, I'm certain.
Zuckerberg’s company controls what we see, we see it and choose to believe a lot of it. “We” must be part of the solution to what everyone’s calling Zukerburg’s problem.
I keep wondering when some conservative techies will start conservative versions of Facebook and Twitter. Maybe they would say “No one can overtake Facebook and Twitter” but overtaking them wouldn’t be the point. If they could get even 5% of their users they would still make quite a bit of money, plus they would be doing a great public service, which should count for something.
That should happen to twitter.
Todays dose of schadenfreude in the Era of Trump.