Posted on 07/14/2018 12:08:42 AM PDT by ransomnote
Sorry that new “proof” is weak. And we discussed it in the previous thread at post 941 + 943 the statement q posted in Feb was rosenstein statement after the first round of Russia indictments.
Rosenstein just repeating the same statement isn’t much of a proof.
A better proof is you have q posts from Dec 22nd laying out how the dossier came to be months before CTH, Dan Bongino or sharyl Atkinson started connecting the dots
Dec 22 2017
/_\ >
CLAS: 1-4 PAY>
CLAS: 1-9>
[FISA 2]
Back in March 2018, we initially outlined a strong likelihood about the origin of the material used in the FISA application; and how it appeared to emanate from contractors with access to the NSA/FBI database, Fusion GPS, Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele and ultimately to Nellies husband Bruce Ohr and back into the FBI.
And while most people were just finding out that strozk had written about an “insurance” policy q had already laid out what it was
FBI investigator Peter Strzoks text referring to an insurance policy against President Trump was reportedly arguing that the agency should probe allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
This is who we are dealing with.
Meanwhile, the pro-Trump demonstrators in England were shut down by the Muslim Mayor, Sadiq Khan.
Free Speech Is Dead Police in Khans London BAN Pro-Trump Rally at U.S. Embassy
I am hoping that Q breaks his silence soon.
I need some encouragement that the Deep State Sociopaths are not going to be allowed to skate away without punishment for their treason, crimes, and wickedness.
I think Strzok, Bowman, Jarrett are all CIA and the FBI has been punked! They are over run.
Are there any potential health issues caused by clipping one’s cell phone directly to their gonads? Asking for a friend.
That top photo is a persuasive argument in favor of the "two world wars destroyed the UK gene pool" theory.
When the muzzies in the UK get the green light to finalize their takeover, it'll all be over in 24 hours; the small silver lining in what will be a very dark cloud will be the total absence of such scenes in the future.
They are the ones with the ivy-league socialist organizational family tree and the almost complete elimination of any meaningful oversight... a law unto themselves since OSS days, and a self-perpetuating empire from Allen Dulles on.
The FBI are rubes by comparison (ask anyone with CIA ties.)
:: Q then advises theyre either both good or both bad. ::
Stevens, can you report that drop? IIRC, Q didn’t say anything about either of them being “good”. He only said if one is dirty, the other is dirty in 2 different combinations.
I don’t think meuller has any choice at this point. He just Indicted 13 Russians which he can’t prosecute. He has cleared Trump and all Americans. Not sure where RR fits in. Meuller is dirty but compromised. He may be helping end his entire investigation of Trump.
The release of all documents is the key. Never going to happen. They will save Obama and Clinton at all costs. Trump will declassify the rest and all will be in the public arena. Trump can destroy the Libs right now. Waiting for the election is not going to help. Too much can go wrong by Nov.
Most available photos of that moment show the Queen initiating the handshake.
IMO, it’s coming soon. (Soon = before election day.)
Most of us share your impatience. I think the longer we’ve been following Q, the more impatient we are, because it feels like we’ve known about this forever and still no perp walks.
*BUT* I have now found a new reservoir of patience. I have realized (thanks to many excellent posters and also the Tweets of _Imperator_Rex_ that there are big problems with arresting people like HRC and BH0.
1. There would be a huge public backlash. The optics would be terrible and Trump would come across as a dictator in the eyes of the left, and maybe even to some of the more wobbly on the right.
2. If filthy DS democrats were tried in filthy DS DC courts, they would walk.
So Trump has to handle both of those problems (among many others).
IMO the plan is being well executed. The kabuki theater of the Strzok hearings are accomplishing several things. They are giving the Mueller investigation credibility! (Maybe I’m wrong, but I think people are going to be surprised when Mueller comes “out of the closet” and exonerates Trump, attacks the DS, etc.) They are - for anyone who is paying the slightest bit of attention - making the left wing look not only partisan, but incredibly stupid. Many of them sound like complete nut jobs. (i.e., Strzok should get a purple heart!) They are demonstrating how panicked they are. Also, they are forcing those in Congress to take sides. We now know who is for us and who is against us.
And it’s not just the Strzok hearings. We had the Rosenstein hearings, then last week the Rosenstein press conference. The left trusts Rosenstein. The right thinks he’s a weasel. What if he comes out and indicts DS actors? I’m not positive that RR is a good guy, but it would NOT surprise me. I’d give odds at about 80% that he’s on our side! (If I’m wrong, I’m still confident that he is somehow playing into Trump’s hands.)
Think about this (not just re RR, but MANY): Imagine you are in a government job. You’ve worked all or most of your career in government. Then 0vomit gets elected. At first you go along with things because it’s your job to support the President/government even if you don’t agree with everything he does. And if you are a democrat, you’re going to give him the benefit of the doubt and at first you will probably make excuses for him and defend him.
Then after a while, you start seeing the corruption. A little here, a little there, then suddenly your eyes are open and you can’t believe what you are seeing. What do you do? Quit? Blow the whistle? Go along with it?
It’s hard to quit when you’ve got bills to pay. And if you’re really high ranking, perhaps you have done something that you shouldn’t have and the DS has let you know they have dirt on you. So now you’re being blackmailed.
Whistleblowing? Same problems as quitting only worse. If you’re high enough up and paying attention, you know that whistleblowers are DESTROYED by the system.
Go along? If you’re really a patriot, you might pretend to go along, hoping that things will get better. Maybe you try to minimize the damage. Maybe you try to gather evidence against the DS for the day when it can be used.
Then Trump comes along. At last, you can see a path to taking down the DS. But it’s not going to happen overnight. The plan needs to be carefully crafted and carefully executed so that DS players don’t escape.
We’ve been victims of the DS for DECADES (maybe centuries), and they’ve had all that time to put their guys in place, their plans in motion. It’s hard to undo decades of entrenched corruption in just 18 months! I think that at the end of Trump’s SECOND term in office, we’re still going to be mopping up after this. But I’m pretty sure the big events are going to start pretty soon.
I will be super disappointed if there isn’t some big action before the election. But as long as I can see progress, I’ll suck up my disappointment and keep doing my small part to help with the plan.
Yes, you are correct . . . as things now stand. But in the past, you could have simply eliminated a department’s budget line in the budget process until they came on board.
I think Ann Gorsuch’s EPA was denied funds under Reagan until she complied with demands for docs, and there was another one under Nixon who was forced to comply this way.
But it only works if you have a BUDGET . . . not a continuing resolution which funds ALL departments at existing levels.
You’re missing the point: it doesn’t matter who claims what. Congress HAS funding authority if they use it, but they can only use it with a budget.
I can give you two examples of how this works: Under Reagan, EPA head Ann Gorsuch denied Congress certain docs (supported by the AG).
Congress, which had a budget at that time, just simply shut down her budget line, and within weeks she produced what they needed.
There was an almost exact duplicate of this under the Nixon administration (can’t recall if it was EPA or something else), but again, as soon as MONEY was invoked, Congress had power.
Sessions is irrelevant from the standpoint of stonewalling. It’s CONGRESS’S fault for cedeing power via not doing budgets. Blame them.
Brennan tweet, Sounds like a treat telling Strzok to be quiet?
Huma is of Indian descent, not Iranian.
Just imagine Mueller indicting the 13 dirty Democrats.
There’s your cover right there.
That may be the structural fix that's required, but the immediate problem is the fact that Trump's DOJ is willfully obstructing Congress.
Chaffetz points to Attorney General Sessions as the person responsible for this debacle and I see no reason to doubt him.
453 treat = THREAT
Again, I may be wrong as I'm no expert on these matters. But hasn't the "new-normal" budget procedure evolved into a mini budget battle over "line items?"
I remember people being upset over this last deal that The Donald signed because it gave the dems everything they wanted budget wise. The Donald has said numerous times that the military budget was RAISED to 700 billion this year and 716 billion next year.
That doesn't sound like "existing levels." If the military budget can be negotiated in a continuing resolution, can't they all?
Also, The Donald has promised that in October or late this year (I forget) he won't sign a deal like that now that the military spending is in place. Again, negotiated line items.
Anyway. That's my understanding. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
How did she get away with obvious crime? Shipp says, The most bizarre thing is the people who protected her from clear felonious activity and violations of the Espionage Act. James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, was protecting her and leaking things to the media and lying. You had John Brennan, Director of the CIA, protecting her by starting a false investigation (on Trump) and stirring things up with this (false/unverified) dossier. You had James Comey, Director of the FBI, protecting her. . . . Then, youve got Peter Strzok protecting her, and now it appears the United Kingdom GCHQ was using NSA information to target Donald Trump and protect Hillary Clinton. You have to ask yourself what kind of power or connections does this woman have to get all of these members of the Deep State, Shadow Government to risk their own criminal penalties to protect her and try to get her elected? That is the Shadow Government. That is the Deep State. That is what is so chilling about this whole thing. . . . This is deep. This is dark. This is as dark as it gets, and this is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.
Shipp also points out that, this time, it will not be business as usual for the Deep State and Shadow Government. They are going to be brought to justice because Shipp says, indictments are coming because of Donald Trump coming into the White House from the outside. Trump cannot be bribed.
Video also at bottom of page after clicking link above.
Don't be so sure of that. Mueller called me yesterday and told me his simple plan.
a.) Indict Russian GRU people.
b.) At some point in the future, now that the people believe the dirty Russians did bad things to our election, tie Trump people or even Trump himself to those same dirty Russians.
If Mueller is as dirty and sneaky as I think he is, trust that at least one of those indicted Russians met or had some interaction with some Trump guy at some point in time and that Mueller has the goods on that.
BOOM! Super scandal of the century! Impeach now!
That's how dopey these stupid people are and how stupid they think we are to buy something like that. All without evidence, mind you. Unless CNN talking nerds are evidence.
p.s. Mueller didn't really call me. I made that part up for effect.
p.p.s. All of sudden, I'm kinda grossed out by all this "Mueller/RR might be white hats" talk. That's what I get for posting my theories first thing in the morning.
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