I’m going to keep an eye on the Q thing and might even post but I won’t do any more negative posts because I’m not a troll.
Maybe/hopefully, this time it’s different.
It’s just that I’ve been around the internet since the 90s and I’ve often wondered and looked into, who’s really pushing the levers of this world so I’ve gone down some rabbit holes and they all end with the same things, freemason, illumnati, chemtrails, DAARPA etc etc. One usually ends up on some site run by one person with just crazy graphics, ten colors & sizes of text and looks like it was designed by some crazy person or is meant to attract them.
I saw the freemason mention before I saw the pics of the two people from the shooting interviews wearing the symbol.
That brought me back up to 60-70% believer. I’m a skeptical person.
Pollard, dude(?) we don’t mind if you disagree...that’s part of the checks and balances around here. What we mind ...uh...wait, what I mind is when folks have an attitude of snobbery. It’s like going over to Bagster’s house and you know Ol Baggy loves him some fine Kentucky Bourbon, and you show up with a bottle of Papov Vodka. And then, to top it off, you insult his cat!!! And as he’s kicking your can out the back door you yell “And your music sucks and you’re crazy!”
So, to sum up....disagreement is part of the process. WE GIVE MAJOR POINTS FOR STYLE. Bagster’s cat is Ok (and we all just keep saying that, right;) )
Welcome to the Qungle!
You are not even close to being a Troll, Pollard.
Understood about what you have described about the previous experiences you have had.
We all must sift the sands and come to our own conclusions. This is right and proper.
Thank you for all you do!