“I think he knew this all along, and that is why he is surrounded by the military like a commanding general or President during wartime.”
Yes, indeed. Perhaps another view on this is the MILITARY knew this all along, and they are surrounding HIM.
I tell ya, the surgery taking place at different points in cutting the legs is so far (as we understand it) masterful.
So who is going to compile all this history of what is taking place? I see it taking up a bookshelf 20’ long.
“Yes, indeed. Perhaps another view on this is the MILITARY knew this all along, and they are surrounding HIM.”
The Left has politicized the FBI, CIA, DOJ, State Department, the Courts, and the military, to such an extent that bad actors (Muslim Brotherhood, Communists, Socialist etc.) have migrated to imbedded spots in our government.
Trump is slowly, but surely cleaning house. MAGA!
Did you notice during the inauguration speech, that a bunch of military guys came and stood right behind him? It happened right about when he was talking about power to the people.
I don’t recall every seeing that before, and I took it as a strong message that was being sent.