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Q Anon: (3/5/18) Continued from Friday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration ^ | March 5, 2018 | FReepers, vanity

Posted on 03/05/2018 12:05:20 AM PST by ransomnote

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To: Steven W.
p.s. My pedodar went off looking at those pics and after reading your post. :(

There are no coincidences.

1,361 posted on 03/07/2018 7:21:17 AM PST by bagster (Even bad men love their mamas.)
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To: bagster

i just posted this on reddit:

“Another researcher decoded the plusses in Q’s post to mean “child abduction emergency”. This is the Amber Alert. This the message “Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++” means “ is a stage set for a drop of Hillary Clinton child Abduction Emergency?”

The answer to this is yes. Just this year, Trump became authorized to use this system to broadcast his own message.

Q asked us if we can trust the MSM, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook? We of course know the answer is no.

What remains? The most powerful broadcast ever made. Every cell phone in America will be blasted with the damning video of Hillary, without commentary, censoring, or trolling.

THIS will be the shot heard around the world.”

1,362 posted on 03/07/2018 7:44:42 AM PST by MNDude
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To: MNDude

Interesting, MN. You should post this on the new Q thread so everybody sees it.

1,363 posted on 03/07/2018 7:46:51 AM PST by bagster (Even bad men love their mamas.)
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To: bagster
NEXT: Q Anon: (3/7/18) Continued from Monday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration
1,364 posted on 03/07/2018 7:50:45 AM PST by Steven W.
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To: bitt

Excellent photo array - exceeding even the finest police arrays in existence. THESE are the REAL criminals.

Um, but can we carve out a little corner somewhere for the image of the One We Do Not Name? He belongs there too.

I don’t know where you keep coming up with all this good stuff!

1,365 posted on 03/07/2018 7:51:44 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: Swordmaker

Oh my that’s good! It really IS bearing down on him.

And why is only one lonely looking geek on the far left, as we view it, carrying a brief case? I’d love to know what documents IT contains!

1,366 posted on 03/07/2018 7:56:35 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: greeneyes

I think water seizing is happening all over. The laws you refer to, I believe are for protecting very particular interests. Those posted last night were just quick grabs I was able to find as Darlin was blinking the lights at me to come back to “real” life and get some rest!

Over the past several years, this issue has been one of big concern in my awareness. I recall T Boone Pickens having gone big into this. Just found some links confirming that recollection:
And here’s one:

“Wall Street Mega Banks are buying up the world’s water”

And here is the trusty UN WHO telling us (read: programming us) that “Water is essential for life. The amount of fresh water on earth is limited,....”

Limited how? The earth is 3/4 water! The water cycle has worked for aeons to supply abundant water to all. Even people in desert environments have come up with solutions - or they migrate.

And this doesn’t even get into weather modification and tampering with the natural water cycles.


I apologize for the shouting, but I’m truly getting worked up about this. I’ve seen it happen, but did not know what to do. Here’s praising God that our beloved President and his team and Q and the Anons and everyone serving this nation and the good people of the world are aware of the dire situation of the evil ones seeking to monopolize water - and they want us to be aware of it too.

1,367 posted on 03/07/2018 8:25:18 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: Steven W.

“Trump DOJ sues California over ‘interference’ with immigration enforcement

You reckon this is the 2nd BOOM?

1,368 posted on 03/07/2018 8:37:32 AM PST by GoreFreeTN (Keep the change, I want my dollars back.)
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To: greeneyes

You are right. We got notices radiation was coming - but then ..... nothing

Here are reports from 2013:

It was bad then I wonder what it is now? As you point out, the leak has not been stopped.

Here is a report from Science Alert Dec 2015. (I don’t know who they are - or how much integrity they have.) They are reporting that the radiation numbers are highest ever - nevertheless everything is hunky dory.

Here is CNBC lying to us in 2016:

...” Five years after an accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, some scientists continue to find found small amounts of radioactive material along the West Coast of North America. And some of them say we should expect to see this in the ocean for decades to come. Elevated levels found off the coast of Japan show that the situation is not yet under control, and that the facility is still leaking radiation.

But the levels observed near the United States are below — very far below — those set by health and safety standards, and are also far outstripped by naturally occurring radiation...”. Yeah. Sure.

I did another search and finally came up with some solid reporting from Adam Housley from Fox News Feb. a year ago:

Yeah. It’s bad.

1,369 posted on 03/07/2018 8:52:33 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: greeneyes


1,370 posted on 03/07/2018 8:53:57 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: Keyhopper

LOL! Poor Keyhopper!

You must have tried to feed the wrong stuff! You KNOW they only eat blue corn and blue berries!! How do you think they stay happy while they are trying to maintain that beautiful blue, and just sitting there being BLUE!?

Gotta eat the BLUE stuff! Blue popcorn, blue fritos, blueberries blue corn tarts, you get the picture! That blue food counteracts the Blues big time!

Go at him next time with some of that and you’ll be FRiends!

1,371 posted on 03/07/2018 9:01:20 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: Swordmaker

Exactly. Good supporting points.

1,372 posted on 03/07/2018 9:02:57 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: ransomnote

oops got up and started replying after thread died ..... *sigh * sorry boss!

1,373 posted on 03/07/2018 9:05:30 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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Excellent summary, AZ!!

If I were on FB, I would like and share.

I’ll send that link to folks who ARE on FB.

1,374 posted on 03/07/2018 9:14:03 AM PST by Jane Long (Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow.)
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To: Steven W.


According to roommate, he had friends..........

I think we can say he was clearly not a “lone gunman.”

1,375 posted on 03/07/2018 9:42:09 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: Steven W.


According to roommate, he had friends..........

I think we can say he was clearly not a “lone gunman.”

1,376 posted on 03/07/2018 9:42:55 AM PST by TEXOKIE
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To: PraiseTheLord
This signifies no one in that room is in power in North Korea any longer.

Or maybe the Korean chair industry has failed to meet demand.

You're delusional, you know that?

1,377 posted on 03/07/2018 10:21:25 AM PST by humblegunner
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To: Cboldt
I agree the case becomes weaker, maybe impossible based on missing evidence. But missing evidence doe not per se mean the fact the evidence is missing can't come in to the trial. The people who saw it (the evidence, before it went missing) can testify they saw it. That is not hearsay.

Actually, it is. I spent a year as the foreman of our county's Criminal Grand Jury and as part of that we were asked to hear a murder case as a mock petit jury to find out if they had enough to arrest the prime suspect under their theory of the case and get a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt (they could not we determined).

I sat as the judge during the whole thing with the assistance of a retired superior court judge. Part of the problem was that ten years had passed since the murder had been discovered and the county sheriff's office had moved from one building to a new headquarters building. Some of the original evidence got lost in the move. The prosecution had photos of that evidence, and officers who SAW the evidence would testify about the evidence, but the judge assisting me said it could only be given the same weight as hearsay evidence without the original evidence. i.e. not much. Because, he said, the defense would not be able to examine it and that can lead to reversible error. Without the original evidence, with an unimpeachable chain of custody, which can be examined by the defense, secondary claims about that evidence even existing may just be thrown out.

We determined that their theory of the murder could not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt but the prime suspect was certainly guilty. However, I wrote an alternative theory which I gave to the primary investigator based on the evidence to pursue. Five years later they arrested the suspect and he pleaded guilty to reduced charges but had to elucidate exactly what he had done as part of the plea.

It turned out the murder occurred exactly the way I had outlined to the detective. It was the only way it COULD have been done to account for the evidence.

Someday I am going to turn the story into a Movie script.

1,378 posted on 03/07/2018 10:27:21 AM PST by Swordmaker (My pistol self-identifies as an iPad, so you must accept it in gun-free zones, you racist, bigot!)
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To: JockoManning
What about testimony say from 6-8 NYPD Commissioner etc. personnel that the copies they still retain are authentically and exactly what the original contained?

That is not PROOF that they are exactly the same as what the original contained. Supposed there is a hidden partition on the original that the police's IT department had no clue how to find that said "All of the images and videos placed in the public areas of this computer are digital works of fiction, © copyright 2013 CIA, and are completely fictitious. They bear no relationship to any person, living or dead," and the defense's IT guy could find it?

Would you believe the sworn testimony from the top management about what they heard on phone conversations claim they listened to between Trump and Vladimir Putin because they somehow lost the recorded conversations? No, you would not, because the tapes are the best evidence. . . and the memories are biased, as we now know.

1,379 posted on 03/07/2018 10:46:20 AM PST by Swordmaker (My pistol self-identifies as an iPad, so you must accept it in gun-free zones, you racist, bigot!)
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To: Steven W.

Cue up the twilight zone music.

1,380 posted on 03/07/2018 10:46:42 AM PST by Keyhopper (Indians had bad immigration laws)
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