This garment schtick is likely just an attempt to goose ratings. I haven’t tuned in in years. Not gonna this year, either.
I wonder how many little black dresses Rose McGowan bought with her Weinstein hush money?
Who cares? Stop going to their movies and their money will disappear
Hypocrisy on full display. Perhaps they can each send a pound of rice to the starving children of Venezuela.
The Hollywood left at its hypocritical best.
I’m surprised they’re not wearing white in support of Hillary. Don’t they care about her anymore?
Can anyone really be surprised by the hypocrisy that comes out of Hollywood? How many times have you heard them say: “If (fill in the blank) wins the election, I’m moving to (fill in a foreign country)!” I’ve also heard them say: “Income taxes are too low!”, but I’ve yet to see one of these phonies open their checkbook and write an extra multi-million dollar check to the IRS. Until they do, sit down, close your mouth, and STFU...the rest of us are having a pretty hard time paying our taxes.
This “display” further illustrates, as if more evidence was needed, that Hollywood and its denizens are incapable of critical, objective thinking.
The screaming, moaning, bitching, and now, absolutely meaningless wearing of black akin to #saveourgirls is nothing but hypocrisy at its highest.
All who benefited from looking the other way need to channel their efforts into stopping sexual abuse at it roots: The perverted in entertainment who prey on child actors .An actor who can walk away or not, chooses what becomes of her life and career. Not so with the children.
Notice that no one dares to bring up the destruction of these little ones who have no one to protect them, not even their parents and guardians. Haim tried, but that effort has died again.
A good deal of introspection by everyone in entertainment whose idea of societal good means the complete trashing of any moral norms is needed and desperately. A lot of what passes for “entertainment” is nothing more than sordid garbage because the actual ability to create and write is being lost.
The best way to deal with Trump Haters is to ignore them and their shows, events.
True, but Rose McGowan is a hypocrite herself. Didn’t she parade down the red carpet naked with Marilyn Manson at the MTV awards?
How many ‘performaces’ did she give Weinstein?
If these women really wanted to protest, they would stay away from the actual ceremonies and demand that the winners’ awards be sent to their homes via UPS.
Who knew Johnny Cash would be in vogue?
I agree with Rose. For all that political show of support for womens issues and rights; the mega successful ego centric actresses like Streep, failed to use their power to stop sexual harassment & abuse of women in their own industry - women with less power. Failed to protect the next generation of young women. Streep should wear a pink pussy hat for like a scarlet letter! Like the phony nasty woman she is.
They’re wearing black to hide their blubber.
EXCELLENT. I agree. Successful wealthy women in Hollywood not only KNEW DAMN WELL about Harvey and others, but they could have done something to stop him.
Meryl Streep and the rest chose not to protect younger women. Hypocrites.
Wearing black out of respect for the death of Hollywood.
That’s appropriate.
Wow! This is way bigger than wearing a ribbon! What is the over/under for Trump bashing in their speeches?