This was on the PBS show called the “Origami Revolution” among other areas where origami techniques are being used.
Another interesting area is in determining how proteins are folded in organisms and figuring out how to create other proteins by origami techniques to modify the organism like a flue virus to render it inert/harmeless.
Lots of possibilities, probably expensive though.
55 pounds is light to anyone reading this article, but not so much for anyone having to actually lug it around for any non-trivial distance.
“Only” 55 lbs. LOL.
Yes, but who wants to wear a flak jacket that makes you look like a swan?
I was watching a YouTube video the other day, a gun tester testing shotgun rounds on behalf of someone else. The slugs had some kind of metal screws encased in glass, fitted to shotgun cartridges. When fired at a Kevlar bulletproof vest, the glass shattered and fully penetrated the vest in multiple locations shredding it. The wearer would not survive. Of course, a round to the head would have the same effect. Just saying, having a vest is nice but not a sure thing for survival. Scary, but at least a vest is some protection versus none.
There is a reason shields have gone away. Not much utility in hiding behind one. The best shield really truly is effective fire being directed onto the target.
What about a round striking one of the many seams? If there are Kevlar fibers there, how many folding cycles can they withstand before fraying or losing effectiveness? What does that translate to in terms of service life, including training exercises? Seems like a neat idea, but possibly not very practical.
What about using woven stainless steel?
Another item for the modern era.
Saw that on Nova tonight.
I didn’t watch the video, but I always imagined this...You fold a piece of paper a bunch of times, it gets super strong...Why not kevlar or steel? And then you press it to make it thinner, and do it all over again. like a samurai sword. Great bulletproof armor. Or tank armor, or...
What is needed is lightweight form armor covering more of,the arms,,legs and shoulders,,feet, and hands. Anything that can block a bullet wound is an improvement. Pain and blood loss severely incapacitate people from fighting back.
ping for later
Batman had it in ‘65