"The above art is by Miguel and Alejandro Vega, two teenage twins from Los Angeles."
It’s what you do to heretics who refuse to bow at the almighty altar of political correctness.
There has been a rash of maggot infested pork here in Los Angeles . It infests the brain, and all kinds of weird thoughts start to happen.
Looks like something from The People’s Cube. April No. 1, April Fool’s?
Has Bernie ever worked a day in a real job?
I think we need to start standing our ground with these thugs.
Commie Sanders
And didn’t they get the memo? Captain America is a NAZI double agent going back to world war II now. Marvel-Disney says so, not a dream, not an imaginary tale.
Comrade Gringo Viejo.
Truly political trash from Politico. Bernie is cast as Captain America and is punching Trump in the unmistakable image of Hitler. But Captain Obvious is also on the scene and says this kind of "art" would never be shown by Politico if it depicted either Hillary or Bernie on the receiving end of any such violence.
there’s going to be so much butthurt when Hillary takes the nomination, these morons need to start realizing Trump is not their enemy. He will make America great again for all the little snowflakes, too.
For all the bluster the ferals have, they are surprisingly inept at fighting and are only a threat in numbers. Any feral who single-handedly tries to fight a single Trump supporter would end up being suplexed into the pavement.