Posted on 07/24/2015 2:41:20 PM PDT by conservativejoy
Trump on '08 Financial Crisis: You Know, We Should Really Blame Bush Republicans Daniel Doherty | Jul 24, 2015 Daniel Doherty
We should? Well, Donald Trump thinks so. Fast forward to the 15:40 mark: Video Link at the end of article.
I identify with some things as a Democrat I was never a Bush fan. [When] the economy crashed so horribly under George Bush, because of mistakes they made having to do with banking and lots of other things, I dont think the Democrats would have done that.
No? Too bad Democrats werent in charge then. The crisis may have been averted.
By the way, former Democrat Donald Trump is a serial flip-flopper, in case you needed reminding. As several media outlets have already reported, hes flip-flopped on at least three issues that conservatives care about: abortion, gun rights, and health care to name just a few. Hes also donated money to Hillary Clinton of all people as well as committees that specialize in electing Democrats. He is, in other words, an erstwhile progressive masquerading as a longstanding conservative warrior.
And yet, The Donalds most passionate supporters are seemingly blind to this reality or unwilling to face facts. Consider, for instance, this rather telling interview during which a number of Trump supporters are plainly and indeed directly confronted with the candidate's long and very public history of flip-flopping.
Here's how almost all of them responded: Video link bottom of article:
CNN anchor: So you see it as adaptability, not flip-flopping?
Trump supporters in unison: Thats exactly right!!
Riiiiight. Because Donald Trump doesn't flip-flop like every other candidate running for president, he merely adapts. Got it.
He’s absolutely right!
I do not agree with Trump on this as he is wrong. However, this strategy paints JEB! with the tar of his brother’s biggest perceived failure further driving JEB’s! numbers down. So I like it. EH
Trump seems to merely be a clown.
The leadership of both the Democrat and Republican Parties are dominated by evil clowns.
I would rather have a mere clown as a president. If the clown wins, by-and-large we have dodged a bullet.
If someone like Cruz or Walker wins, that's just gravy.
I think the biggest contributors to the financial crisis were the two Democrat sponsored bills that caused the mortgage crisis and the Dodd Frank bill.
Yes, but it’s basically tarring conservatives for the actions of RINOs and Democrats.
Afraid Trump may have jumped the shark on this one.
Bush asked congress, what, 7-8 times to address the sub-prime mortgage debacle that was coming down the road. Bawney Fag would take no action.
Democrats created the issue by forcing banks to give loans to those they knew couldn’t pay them, Fannie-May, Freddie-Mac, along with large brokerage houses bought these because they were being handed out like candy. They overvalued real estate, and when the house of cards came crashing down, the dems blame W, who did not defend himself.
Of course the media again carried the democrats water.
Trump should have done better home work on this one.
You should read “The Great American Bank Robbery” by Paul Sperry and/or “The Housing Boom And Bust” by Thomas Sowell.
I’m no passionate supporter of Trump. The actual leader we need desperately is a man like Cruz.
But if Trump can destroy the entire media system beforehand, fine. If he is the only non-democrat that can survive the political media meat grinder? We might have to live with it.
And incidentally, though not the reasons Trump claims per the OP, much of the responsibility for the current financial mess does rest on Bush. Remember when this country buried the phones, faxes and emails of DC for days... weeks... in the most massive public outcry ever telling Bush to let us eat the crash then rather than let it get worse?
He drank the cool-aid and listened to the liberal advisors who told him the world was going to end if he didn’t start the bailouts. Expressly against the will of the vast majority of America. We were ready to take it and pick ourselves back up by the boot straps and start over.
Imagine where we would be right now had we not gone down that path. We’d have cratered hard, gone though some super tough times but now 8 years later we’d be starting to come out the other side instead of staring at an even greater disaster in the near future.
So, yeah, some of this goes on a Republican. But that’s as much blame as I’m willing to dish out for that. If we would have had a Democrat president at that time it just means the bailouts would have started even sooner.
I don't know much about the details of that situation, but remember it all revolved around big NYC investment banks and hedge funds. I really don't think Trump has any reason to say other than what he sees as the truth, and I'm willing to concede that Trump knows more about the nuts and bolts of what went down than I know, or ever could know.
He's not trying to position himself as an uber-Republican. The GOP doesn't have that much to recommend it, frankly, at this point in time. To most people the GOP is Mitch McConnell and John Boner. Trump should get out in front of those guys and say "I'm with them" ? I don't think so.
“No? Too bad Democrats werent in charge then.”
They were....
Economic policy is set by congress through their budgets and taxes. In 2006 the Democrats won the off year election by calling Bush’s and the Republican’s economy of 3% growth with <5% unemployment the worst economy since Hoover.
Taking power in 2007 the Dems set about making the train wreck of an economy they accused Bush of having. The American public doubled down on the Democrats by electing Obama twice with total Democrat power for 2 years and the Harry Reid obstructionist Senate for 6 years.
Only now do we have a Republican Congress......unfortunately it is led by two ba!!less wonders.
Things won’t change until we get a large C Republican President and send the “Turtle” and the “Crier” to the back benches..................
Trump is grossly uninformed on many issues. This is but one.
You would think the spineless bunch in the Senate and the House would get rid of McConnell and Boehner now. I guess they just want to lose the majority next election.
However, the most important thing RIGHT NOW is eliminating Bush as a possible POTUS. He i and his family have been a cancer on the Conservative Party for far too long. It is time they are put out to pasture.
Stopping the JEB!ster is priority one. Two is getting Cruz or a Conservative nominated and three is stopping Hillary, preferably in the primary.
Baby steps.
Note: Trump will likely drop out of the race at some point. I honestly believe he has no real interest in being POTUS. Too much of a hassle for a rich guy. Cruz is set up to get his momentum as Trump has been aping Cruz talking point in an ape like manner.
Of course the largest contributor where the cronies Dodd an Frank along with the nonsense of giving NINJA loans to anyone with a pulse.
That being said. Dodd and Frank are gone living it up on their fat pensions. Dodd attacking waitresses and Frank attacking young boys backsides.
Bush is still around in the form of the dumbest of the Bush’s JEB! Our illegal Alien love boy.
Getting rid of JEB! s a priority. Priority one. If he wins the nomination I would have a very difficult time voting for him as will most Conservatives. He will not win the General Election regardless of who he faces. He is the WORST possible candidate!
“...... I guess they just want to lose the majority next election.”
Sure seems that way doesn’t it? Maybe they are counting on a wave election against the Dems with long coat-tails on the Republican Candidate.
Our worst nightmare would be a 3rd Party challenger spitting the vote for the Clintons again.....Could you imagine a President Hillary with 43% of the vote? I could (shudder).
Trump is not loved for issues or ideology. He is loved for having cajones and a spine.
Walker is not loved for issues. He is loved for having a spine. When Walker waffles or flipflops he loses support.
McConnell/Boehner/Romney, etal lack cajones and lack a backbone. We love it when they are attacked.
We love it when the RINO establishment is attacked. And when the MSM is attacked or embarrassed.
Trump should not and will not be President. But he plays a useful role in showing others what we want.
Oh, mean old Barney Frank was SO intimidating that the GOPe just could not fix the banking system EVERYONE knew was just a few steps from disaster.
This is exactly why the GOPe has to be destroyed!
I do not care if Ted Cruz does it by capturing the nomination or if Trump does it by running third party and sinking the GOPe nominee. As long as the GOPe is destroyed, that is the most important aspect of the 2016 election.
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