As the government started sticking its nose into our tents and lives the use of the Confederate Battle Flag was simply used as a popularized emblem of defiance and protest. To many that display it that was never considered to be because one supported racism although some displaying it do. But those that do so also probably would deny supporting slavery of people of any form including people with black skin.
Use of it as a choice symbol of protest though, runs the risk of a viewer comming to that conclusion. But it should be pointed out that blacks also fought and died on the side of the Confederacy . In the view of the southerners while that greatest loss of life as a result of that conflict. It was not just about the abolition of slavery as it is currently being poltically correctly explained and used. And any move to ban its use should be considered a violation of the Constitutional free speech amendments
All this garbage is directed at dimrat voters and people dependent on the party. They were poorly educated and have no knowledge of our country’s history.