Very true!
And Apple went through a lot work and trouble before it finally made it to the top.
But IBM had a looong run. Maybe Apple will, too.
Even a big dog like Google can’t seem to live up to its founding ethos: “Don’t Be Evil.” We’ll see if the core principles that drive Apple will keep it at the top.
Bill Gates kept Apple alive when it should have died in the 80s/90s. Why did Bill Gates to that? Because Apple was the only tech company that would be called a "competitor" and without the Apple "competitor" Windows would be broken up. So all you Apple lovers need to thank Bill Gates and Windows for keeping you on life support in late 80's early 90's.
As for Googles “don’t be evil” motto, define evil. I think the actions of Goggle’s founders have been more aligned with what most of us would call evil from the beginning.