1. The Use of Credit Cards
2. Food Portions
3. Patriotism
4. High School Sports
5. Size of the Country
6. Treatment of Pets
7. Widespread Obesity
8. Amount of Waste
9. The Coffee Culture
10. Emphasis on Physical Fitness
12. Quality of Customer Service
13. Walmart
14. Size of cars
15.Return Policies
Surprised that “Not everyone is carrying a gun” isn’t listed
WHat??? Nothing about guns and religion? What type of foreigners are these?
seems to me 7 and 10 are in conflict.
16)...Lot of old folk working
Thank you...it would have been best as ‘first use’.
Clearly leftist anti-American claptrap.
Comparison with Thailand.
1. The Use of Credit Cards - only for foreigners booking hotels.
2. Food Portions - US portions would feed a family of four.
3. Patriotism - About the same. Most love the King.
4. High School Sports Similar but soccer only.
5. Size of the Country - A Thai on a first visit would think NYC to LA short drive.
6. Treatment of Pets - Similar but Soi dogs fed by several people and unvaccinated are a problem.
7. Widespread Obesity - Amazes Thais and unknown at home.
8. Amount of Waste - Worse in Thailand.
9. The Coffee Culture - Taking hold among the wealthy, ridiculed by the poor.
10. Emphasis on Physical Fitness - Similar but fancy health spas for foreigners and the rich.
11.Tipping - unheard of.
12. Quality of Customer Service - Similar
13. Walmart - Lots of Thai superstores.
14. Size of cars - Our average size cars couldn’t handle narrow
15.Return Policies - You mean you can actually return things.
This list was compiled by a liberal, no doubt.
1. The Use of Credit Cards - Not unique to the US. In many countries buying from vending machine is now credit card based.
2. Food Portions - Just as large in many countries.
3. Patriotism - Most countries are fiercely loyal, far more than liberals are in the US.
4. High School Sports - Foreign countries often have the same thing.
5. Size of the Country - Some countries like Australia are just as big. Germany is a bit less than the size of Texas. China is bigger than the US and half of Canada combined.
6. Treatment of Pets - Many countries treat their pets as well.
7. Widespread Obesity - Sorry. Again, many foreigners are just as bad.
8. Amount of Waste - No different than other countries.
9. The Coffee Culture - The US ranks about #15 in the list of per capita consumption.
10. Emphasis on Physical Fitness - Again, how can we be fat yet physically fit, too?
11.Tipping - Some countries have mandatory tipping, and most give just as generously. Some do not allow tipping. No is going to tip in Seattle with a $15 minimum wage.
12. Quality of Customer Service - Most of ours IS foreign.
13. Walmart - Granted. Uniquely American, but other countries have just as much retail outlets as Wal-Mart provides, just better products.
14. Size of cars - Um, they have the same cars in most places.
15.Return Policies - Granted, uniquely American.
7 and 8? Seriously? Europeans litter everywhere including the Grand Canyon So do Indians for that matter. And ever seen a German in a thong?
Frankly, that surprises me, too. They're all so much smaller than they were back in the primitive dark ages, when Americans were walking on the Moon and such.
I'd sure like to have my '69 Newport back. At least when the Fed Bubble bursts I'd be able to completely stretch out in the back seat.
Yeah, you did it!!! Thanks.
Some of those I’ve seen, but when we have people come here, one thing they always remark on is how patiently people here wait in lines.
And so many flip out in grocery stores. An entire long aisle for cereal???
And take them to Costco and they will have a cardiac event. Even when I lived in Switzerland I was one of those. ALL THIS GREAT STUFF FOR PRACTICALLY FREE!! We literally filled big shipping boxes and sent them by ocean freight home.
Another thing that freaks them out is how hard Americans work in their shorter work days. Often in Europe the actual number of hours is longer, but most of it is socializing and low energy work. Hustling Americans can get meetings over fast and can multitask. Americans seem so serious at work to some people.
The traffic is unbelievable (L.A.) to most.
They don’t “get” Disneyland and the love of it. But they go NUTS about movie studios and famous performers.
They definitely don’t understand tough alcohol laws. The guests you have to keep leaving Disneyland for drinks at the hotel and going back into the park for, are the exact ones who will have a heart attack seeing the (astronomically low) prices at Costco of huge gallon jugs of vodka, etc.
And of course they marvel at the openness of Americans. The saying in Switzerland was, if you sit next to an American on a train, by your destination you will know his entire sex life. And it is based on truth. We are so friendly and talkative to them.
Thank you.
Thanks, when I saw that it took 15 pages to see the “list”, I left the site.
This is a pretty good list. The obesity of Americans vs. Europeans is shocking. After spending two weeks in Europe I got off the airplane upon my return and remarked, “where did all these fat people come from?”
I went to grad school with a Norwegian girl. She had no idea about tipping, just that she should, and would leave a dime or a quarter with her meal. We were eating together once when I realized what was happening and explained the system to her. This was in the early 2000s.
She loved two things - we have a lot of snack fods, and she methodically went down the snack aisles while she lived here, buying all types of snacks. The other thing was salad dressing; she loved trying all of the different flavors.