We had ship launched chaff that had long streamers like this but it was massed together in much greater quantities and wouldn’t have sepearted out to single streamers in order to present a metallic mass to fool the radar. In addition it was much more reflective (visible light) than what appears in the video even at a distance.
Ours looked more like a firework display. Been to long so don’t remember if it had other things mixed in, but wouldn’t be suprised.
Yes, ship deployed chaff is larger and visible, but that is due to the radar it is used against and the volume put out. Ships are large slow moving targets, and the location/targeting radars used against them have been (until recently) lower frequency, longer wave types. The longer the dipole, the longer the chaff.
Also, aircraft chaff is designed to provide false targets, while shipboard chaff is designed more to create a wall (cloud) obscuring everything behind and within it.