Had a neighbor who did this and he was dead within a couple of months.
I take traditional Chinese medicines,,,, sometimes. Even my Chinese herb doc knows when to go to a “Western” doctor!
My grandchildren had a friend and classmate who went through all the chemo and she died too.
At one time she went through 6 weeks of screaming, agonizing, 24/7 pain that morphine couldn’t touch. She would pass out occasionally but she literally screamed and cried for 6 weeks. She couldn’t have an epidural because they were afraid something would rupture.
One day my grandson was laying in bed with her because she was too weak to do anything and she told him how much she wanted to die. She was ready to see Jesus but she worried about her parents. She knew physical death wasn’t the end.
It has been 10 years now and she would be graduating from HS this coming week.