Please don’t shoot the messenger, but real health food people (as opposed to food nazis and fun police) will tell you that, saturated or not, palm oil is VERY good for you.
“but real health food people (as opposed to food nazis and fun police) will tell you that, saturated or not, palm oil is VERY good for you.”
Indeed. And coconut fat is even better than palm kernel oil.
It’s amazing to watch all of the ignorant fools in the media still attacking saturated fat: if we ate NO saturated fat at all, we’d die from malnutrition.
The putative unhealthiness of saturated fat being has been debunked in study after study over and over again, but the misinformation propagated by the 1960’s media just keeps on being recycled, even 50 years later.
The original studies made no distinction between saturated fat and synthetic trans-fats (Crisco and the like), and as it turns out it’s the synthetic fat which was the real poison all along.
I grew up on coconut oil which is from Palm family AFAIK.
My cholesterol stays around 150 and never had a heart problem, knock on wood, in my 70’s now.
The real kicker is that saturated fat is necessary for a healthy body. It’s transfat that’s a problem.