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If my title is wrong, this thread will be busy. If I'm right, it will be met with rolling eyes and result in flaming me and/or a just handful of replies.

I hope I'm wrong. The ONLY sources of sanity in my State are the conservative radio, one or two friends, and most here at FR. If I've lost the prior and, if the trend continues, the latter, there's little hope (if none at all should, pardon the metaphor, the 'infection' proves virulent).

Label me 'hopeful', but cynicus...

In closing, I'd like to offer up a clip of a Ronald Regan interview from 1980(?). It lifted my spirits; I hope it does the same for others in a similar situation as I:

1 posted on 04/26/2014 10:13:06 AM PDT by logi_cal869
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To: logi_cal869

What Bundy actually said no longer matters. The point is that the real issue has been distracted away from so that now all they have to do is say he’s a racist. This is exactly what the liberals want.

2 posted on 04/26/2014 10:18:43 AM PDT by Telepathic Intruder (The only thing the Left has learned from the failures of socialism is not to call it that)
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To: logi_cal869

Bundy is extremely ignorant.

That is, he’s ignorant of political correctness.

This makes him an authentic last vestige of American greatness.

4 posted on 04/26/2014 10:20:59 AM PDT by reasonisfaith ("...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (2 Thessalonians))
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To: logi_cal869

Bundy is extremely ignorant.

That is, he’s ignorant of political correctness.

This makes him an authentic last vestige of American greatness.

5 posted on 04/26/2014 10:21:16 AM PDT by reasonisfaith ("...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (2 Thessalonians))
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To: logi_cal869

Thanks for the nice piece. Sadly, Mr. Bundy made the typical fatal mistake of using the words “negro”, “pickin’ cotton” and “slaves” in a statement where he was only “wondering” would they be better off under individual slave masters or government slave masters. Sadly too many people can’t/won’t differentiate once the “slave” meme is out of the bag. Just add water and poof.....instant racist.

7 posted on 04/26/2014 10:24:52 AM PDT by rktman (Ethnicity: Nascarian. Race: Daytonianfivehundrian)
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To: logi_cal869

Political correctness is a tool of the enemy.
We have the First Amendment — we can say or think anything we want.
If a man is a racist — and I’m not saying Bundy is — it does not matter a bit. Not a bit.

Keep the focus on the proper role of government. I will stand with anyone — anyone! — who wants government power reduced.

“When they came for the Jews, I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew ...”

I will proudly stand with the racists, and speak out on their behalf, IF IT HELPS TO BRING BACK FREEDOM.

8 posted on 04/26/2014 10:26:17 AM PDT by ClearCase_guy
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To: logi_cal869

I think once one reaches 65 you don’t have to be politically correct. My gran wasn’t. She let you know you were wrong & didn’t care if it annoyed you.

9 posted on 04/26/2014 10:26:27 AM PDT by RginTN
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To: logi_cal869

Wasn’t the context of his so called racist remarks about how blacks had more freedom and a better life as slaves, than we the people who are now becoming slaves under our new slave owners, the federal government? If that was the context of his remarks I see no racism there at all and I agree with that sentiment.

14 posted on 04/26/2014 10:29:25 AM PDT by Blue Highway
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To: logi_cal869
It is clear that the whole race bait issue with Bundy is gen'ed up. A made for Sharpton/Jackson controversy to blast out and try and cover up the real issues.

As usual, their gen'ed up controversy is fairly easily cut through.


Bundy's Black Militia Body Guard would take a bullet for him

The man in the above YouTube video is named Jason Bullock. He is a is a six-year Army veteran who is out in Nevada and has volunteered to serve as one of Cliven Bundy's bodyguards.

As you can see, Jason Bullock is also a black American.

That's what he had to say about Cliven Bundy, early this week, after Bundy's remarks were widly reported, and when CNN interviewed Bullock and asked him if Cliven Bundy's remarks had offended him.

"No, not at all. Mr. Bundy is not a racist.

"Ever since I've been here, he's treated me with nothing but hospitality. He's pretty much treating me just like his own family.

"I would take a bullet for that man if need be. I look up to him just like I do my own grandfather. I believe in his cause and after having met Mr. Bundy, I have a really good feeling about him and I'm a pretty good judge of character."

A black, veteran Marine, writes his testimonial about Cliven Bundy
The media distorts information to the point of social division. Above is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He’s a cowboy and a helluva family man, not an orator.

One thing he definitely isn’t – a racist. I found his comments to not only be NOT racist, but his own view of his experiences. Who the heck are we to determine another man’s perspective on the world around him?! Just because Picasso’s view of the world was abstract, does it negate the fact that his art was genuine?

Furthermore, if you take the time to do your own research, you’ll find that his statements about some black Americans actually hold weight. He posed a hypothetical question. He said, “I wonder IF” … Hell, I’m black and I often wonder about the same about the decline of the black family.

Bottom line is that we are all slaves in this waning republic, no matter our skin color. Mr. Bundy could have used any racial demographic as an example: Native Americans on reservations, whites in trailer parks, etc. He noticed the crippling effects of receiving government “assistance” and the long term result of accepting handouts.

It’s not progress at all. I challenge Sean Hannity, Rand Paul, and others to read my comment and reconsider their position in this matter. Individual liberties are at stake here, yours and mine. THAT is the issue.

Don’t let the liberal media and ignoramuses like Glenn Beck and that weasel Harry Reid make you lose sight of the real issue here: The federal government is a burgeoning behemoth and a bully on a once constitutional playground.I sincerely hope you real patriots out there who can see through the smoke.

Semper Fidelis

These testimonials, from black Americans who know Cliven Bundy personally, and who have been to his home, speak for themselves. All the rush to judgement about this man, is just that. He asked a legitimate question about the impact of the social welfare/subsidy programs on American citizens...and it is an important question. He did not phrase it well...and the comparison to slavery in the south does not hold. So, what? So he is not an orator. So his speech is not eloquent.

Perhaps Cliven Bundy has what some may call a big wart on him. Again, so what? We all do.

That does not make him a racist, or a bigot in the least, despite what Bill OReilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and others may think or say. Those people have raitings and a lot of money riding on how they respond and what people think about their words...Cliven Bundy spoke best he could, and his underlying point is completely valid. And those two black veterans who know him, agree and stand by him. And one of those men feels so strongly about it, that he, a black US Army veteran, would take a bullet for the man. That carries a WHOLE lot more weight with me.



15 posted on 04/26/2014 10:30:15 AM PDT by Jeff Head
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To: logi_cal869

You aren’t wrong.

Bundy chose his words poorly. Of course that has nothing to do with his dispute with the government.

17 posted on 04/26/2014 10:31:35 AM PDT by Andy'smom
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To: logi_cal869

Every Fox person I saw - Oreilly, Hannity, Greta, Kelly - showed their true colors re: Bundy. Instantly threw him under the bus...spineless weenies. Better that we know so we are no longer fooled.

btw...negro is a perfectly acceptable’s the scientific appellation of that race of people: 2 others being caucasian and mongoloid. The Speech Police and the Perpetually Offended are opposed.

I think it was patently obvious what Mr. Bundy meant.

18 posted on 04/26/2014 10:31:45 AM PDT by klb99 (I now understand why the South seceeded)
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To: logi_cal869

The story here is:

government tyranny = slavery

Cliven Bundy story = confirmation of media lies

20 posted on 04/26/2014 10:32:54 AM PDT by reasonisfaith ("...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (2 Thessalonians))
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To: logi_cal869

Hope is wearing thin. I developed education programs for the 4th largest Pooblik Skrewl Collective, programs for teacher continuing ed and programs for students.

Neither teachers not students had heard of “American Exceptionalism”.

We are about to reap what was sown by Mann & Dewey some generations ago. The poisonous fruit of the Tree Of Liberalism has ripened across America and it is unambiguously poisonous and treasonous.

The “educators” were largely collectivists for several generations, treasonous apparatchik who were the tools (knowingly or unknowingly) of American Communists. Now, their ‘professional product’ is clear to all - Commies to the Left of us, RINOs to the Right of us.

As the person who named the “Sawgrass Rebellion”, and watched Jebbe the Nutt, and the Legislature in Florida, ignore the property rights issues in the 8.5 Sq. Mile Area, I can assure you most of Gubment is avidly participating in the land grabs. FloriDUH grabbed the land to be “mitigation lands” for mining rights inh land added to Everglades National Park, but ParcMan had not purchased the mineral rights and a French mining company owned them.

Gotta protect those Rich Frogs, specially in the Everglades - ribet, Ribet!

They know land is the basis of wealth/power and they want it - all of it.

I’d suggest praying for the Republic, but Franklin summed up the subject of outside intervention to save the Republic with his famous “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

If there is to be any hope, it will be found in the Founding Documents and a citizenry willing to force Gubment into the carefully crafted cage defined by the Constitution.

For this reason, the Cliven Bundy situation gives me hope for the Republic.

21 posted on 04/26/2014 10:33:44 AM PDT by GladesGuru (Islam Delenda Est - because of what Islam is and because of what Muslims do.)
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To: logi_cal869
Thank you, sir. You have stated what I couldn't because I'm very old and haven't the ability to express myself. I'm still lucky to even be able to type but the words I need I just cannot grab. I'm a old Korean Vet and not too well.

America is in trouble. We have been invaded by the communists that we never really quashed during my youth. Most have moved into the Democratic Party. King Obama is a perfect example. Holder is a corrupt criminal and not fit to run the justice system.

Bundy is a hero. He is rugged and plain speaking. He is not a racist but understands that the Federal Government is totally out of control and is being occupied by idiots that have reduced America to master slave empire. The Federal Government is the master and Bundy is right, the more it grows the more it will use its power to reduce us to slavery. ALL OF US! Millions of blacks have already been caught up in its web.

I hope some day I'll see our God given Constitution back to its people.

23 posted on 04/26/2014 10:36:28 AM PDT by Logical me
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To: logi_cal869

For what it’s worth I agree with you completely. All those “intelligent” talking heads don’t or won’t take the time to do their research before they spout off. Uninformed or misinformed is their hallmark. If you don’t know the (accurate) history of this country you can’t reach intelligent conclusions when questions arise.

29 posted on 04/26/2014 10:41:34 AM PDT by lakecumberlandvet (Appeasement never works.)
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To: logi_cal869

May I suggest toning down your efforts to kill hope?

30 posted on 04/26/2014 10:42:04 AM PDT by reasonisfaith ("...because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved." (2 Thessalonians))
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To: logi_cal869

Would you tell this radio host to look up the history of “common land” use and public right to graze in English law..also the act of “enclosure” is not BLM owned land it is not the federal government private land is public waste land that has be historical graze and there is a looooong acknowledged tradition in law for the public grazing of animals on public common waste land...and “enclosure” the act of fencing off or blocking access to graze is the step to convert public land to private a big deal that has be the start of wars and rebellion.

34 posted on 04/26/2014 10:46:23 AM PDT by tophat9000 (Are we headed to a Cracker Slacker War?)
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To: logi_cal869

you’re on the right track.

the main points are

1. you can’t trust any of the media. they have their own agenda and game. including hannity, beck, etc. it’s not conservative. as you say, they are deluded thinking they can play the left’s game or they are flatly dishonest.

2. you can’t win in the media, so as bundy has done, you need to put on the armor of Truth as you are given the insight via God to see it, and let the chips fall where they may. In other words, put aside fear of what they will think; and assume the media is lying by commission and ommission; ignore all of it except as an intelligence gathering exercise. talk honestly over the media. you’ll find the conservative audience and they are all that matters.

3. true conservatives are on their own in this country and need to organize in small groups and as individuals separate from all existing, “infected,” institutions as you call them.

4. true conservatives need to put their trust in God and stop trying to out think the leftists at their own games. it’s largely a waste of time.

40 posted on 04/26/2014 11:10:30 AM PDT by dadfly
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To: logi_cal869

IMO guys like Hannity and Beck have marginalized themselves by going along with the libtard party smear. They are being left behind as the freedom movement heats up. Nobody is really listening to them anymore.

52 posted on 04/26/2014 12:39:55 PM PDT by Georgia Girl 2 (The only purpose o f a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
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To: logi_cal869

Here’s my dime:

1. I will stand with Mr. Bundy, period.

2. Mr. Bundy has his right to think and say what he believes, even if it means rubbing your nose, in his shorts! Again, I will stand with Mr. Bundy, to preserve that right.

3. If what I have said, offends you, who died and made YOU “god”? (k.m.a.!!!)

56 posted on 04/26/2014 1:04:37 PM PDT by Terry L Smith
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To: logi_cal869

The media makes the most money presenting anything, and anyone, in the way that is best for marketers.
It’s only logical that they behave that way. And that politicians go along with them.
This is the most ‘exciting’ way they could present Bundy’s statement. They’d have made less money presenting him honestly.
One day his point will be taken up by an orator, it has before, and the media will have to struggle to twist it for profit.
Appreciaate your post.

70 posted on 04/26/2014 2:20:46 PM PDT by mrsmith (Dumb sluts: Lifeblood of the Media, Backbone of the Democrat Party!)
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