When did they start hiring pussies to be cops?
With police, do what you are told when told, nothing more, nothing less. Especially with these militarized thinking police.
Prayer up for his recovery.
Well, at least the cops got to go home safe that night.
Good thing the ignorant cop was a lousy shot.
It really sucks to wear a uniform, be a Highway Patrol, Trooper, Policeman.
Because all the problems coming from Obama down is falling upon the LEO, and they know the people of America are snapping back.
America is frustrated because they cannot remove Obama, so they are lashing back at ANY authority.
And the cops are too high strung.
Something is causing this irrational fear of being shot or otherwise attacked in LEO’s these days. I suspect that they’re being constantly briefed on how bad things are getting and how bad they can expect things to get.
If they’re this trigger happy now, it’s frightening to imagine how they’ll behave once “civilians” start defending themselves.
I retired from law enforcement in So. Cal in 1987, and what passes for justified shootings nowadays would have landed you in prison back in my day.
Makes me think a little when I have to use a cane when my knee acts up, could get a person shot now days by an idiot cop.
Good thing this cop went through all of those training classes about firearm restraint and situational assessment. Those classes make him a professional - certified in the proper use of firearms under stressful conditions, in full accordance ith the law.
That training certification and professional experience is precisely why he can own and carry fully automatic weapons, and you cannot.
It’s a different country now. The man knew a country in which you respected cops, and they didn’t live in fear of citizens.
Today, a lot of low-lifes hate cops and the cops don’t know what’s coming next.
So, an innocent man meets a suspicious and wary cop, and this is what happens.
It’s a very different country now. I know it is, but I think of elderly people I know who haven’t realized what has happened, and who see nothing wrong with holding a TV remote or a cell phone while speaking with a cop.
Is the country I knew ever coming back?
Who cares about an old useless feeder?
The only thing that matters is that the Law Enforcement Officer got to go home that night!
This is an officer who should not get to go home safe.
I guess he is lucky the cop didn’t handcuff, taser, and beat him, too.
Not sure I understand what the problem is.
I don’t see a dead dog....
Yup, look the same to me, and I always jam the end of the gun into the ground when I take it out of my truck. < /sarc>
I thought cops were to shoot to kill. Shooting to wound is just in the movies. This guy blew it.
Lemme guess . . . the rectal cavity wearing the uniform “felt threatened.”
With all due respect to Mr. Carnipe, there's the action that started a tragic and unnecessary course of action.
First rule of thumb is to remain in one's vehicle with hands clearly visible on the steering wheel, and wait for the officer to give you instructions.
It seems every time one of these things happens it's because people either don't know what to do/how to act when they get pulled over (as is I suspect the case here) or they just act like idiots because they think they can.