The fighting female cliché has ruined the Sword & Sandals (as well as Sci_FI) Genre,
Every movie of the genre now seems to have a 90lb waif empowered woman who can somehow easily take on and beat multiple 250lbs+ guys.
Once the "wow, she is really hot factor wears off", It get's pretty old and silly fast
“Once the “wow, she is really hot factor wears off”, It get’s pretty old and silly fast”
And I think also contributes to the coarseness of todays young women who act rough and tough and fight because, well, it is hot to do so, popular media shows it to be so, and no matter how out-classed in weight and muscle, a little girl CAN beat the stuffing out of a big guy.
And this leads to bad things when reality hits fantasy
So you want them to change history to accommodate your desires?
Sorry, but Artemisia was a real person, (Queen of Halicarnassus not Persia) and she did command ships at the Battle of Salamis.