This first review is so hilarious that I had tears coming from my eyes and was laughing so hard that I could barely breathe while I reading it to my daughter!
His book had a recipe for brownies. Excellent brownies! Brownies like you might eat too much of... with very similar results.
Axe me how I know...
I about fell out of my chair laughing.
I just visited Amazon, and sure enough, these reviews are real.
I thought Freepers might appreciate this one, which I found there:
“After reading the reviews I ordered several bags as gifts for some family members who voted for Obama. It worked as advertised!”
You are correct. I couldn’t finish reading the reviews as my laughter was causing a scene here at home.
I think it's the glycerin
I laughed so much my sides hurt! Tears also came out of my eyes.
Here are a few mild quotes:
” Be sure to get Oxyclean to get the ....stains out of your...ceiling fans”
“If I go and finish the bag off, I will probably leave a suicide note”
“I can now fit in the jeans I wore in High School”
Thanks for posting!! :)
but you don’t want to post it here?
OMG!!!! You are SO right! That first review is INCREDIBLY funny.
“I think I lost a kidney!”
Might be useful when Metamucil just isn’t enough.
Thanks for the biggest laugh in months,
this thread will run and run, Bwahaha!
Gummi Worms > Gummi Bears.
They also work great on a silver spoon for pike and muskie. We found them better than Mr. Twisters from Bass Pro.
Plus, you can eat them while you sit in the boat!
Try that with a Pork Squigly!
I wonder if William SHATner likes these gummy bears?
now that there is funny! bags for congress is a great idea.
“And that, to my great chagrin, is why I didn’t immediately notice the difference between Haribo Normal Gummi Bears (which are designed for human enjoyment) and Haribo Sugarless Gummi Bears (which are designed for use in maximum security prisons as a way to punish uncooperative inmates).”
Hilarious! Do not read this to a husband who is eating! Hubby sprayed his food all over the table and into my glass of tea. ROFLOL.
I think this tops the “Ryan’s Steakhouse” story. I laughed until I had to quit reading so I could breathe.
Importantly, this is a fairly common effect of some of the sugar alcohols. But a warning. One of the sugar alcohols, called Xylitol, is deadly to dogs. It is usually found in treats designed for diabetics, and it is harmless to humans, possibly causing diarrhea like other sugar alcohols if you eat too much of it.
Lollipops, syrups, cookie mixes, brownie mixes and jellies all may contain Xylitol. But because of its extreme toxicity to dogs, manufacturers do not list it as just another “sugar alcohol”, of which there are many, so the label will specifically say Xylitol.
“Once thought to cause only hypoglycemia in dogs, this sugar substitute has recently been discovered to also produce acute, possibly life-threatening liver disease, acute hepatic necrosis, hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and coagulopathy.”
“Toxic level are from as little as .1g/kg of the dog’s weight. After xylitol ingestion, vomiting is usually the initial sign. Hypoglycemia may develop within 30 to 60 minutes. However, in some cases of xylitol gum ingestion, hypoglycemia may be delayed for up to 12 hours. The clinical signs may progress rapidly from lethargy to ataxia, collapse, and seizure. Acute liver failure from 12 to 24 hours.”
“The lowest estimated dose associated with liver failure to date has been 0.5 g/kg.”