Evidently you are not one of Eric Holder's people.
Everyone should call their Congressman and Senators and give them your thoughts on this Holocaust. You can call the DC switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for the Elitist of your choice. Keep their lines busy through November and offer to send them packing boxes.
Not trying to let Obama off the hook, but do you have a deductible on your insurance? You usually pay full price until it’s covered.
Did y6ou get a new type of policy. Did you go to an HSA account.
Just wondering. When we went to an HSA we went from a co-payment to paying full price the insurance would pay through the HSA until we reached our deductible then everything was 100% covered.
If you have private insurance you can get crestor at the discount price of $18 per month.
Went to get my Simvastatin refilled yesterday. $2 ent to $40. Can’t wait to refill my Benicar.
If you like your cheap prescriptions you can keep your cheap prescriptions.
Luckily, it's affordable.
Screw Crestor and all statins. The body needs cholesterol for hormone production. Just walk briskly 30 minutes a day. Doctors and Big Pharma sell crap. So does Obama.
Omega 3 and Niacin are a hell of a lot cheaper than that.
The price of Crestor went up? or is it just inflated by Obamacare so they can subsidize others?
Just take two asprin.
Don’t want obama off the hook, but that stuff is not worth it. We need cholesterol, and the healthy cholesterol level conveniently drops every time there’s new drugs. Change your lifestyle instead. Add a clove of raw garlic per day as well.
It tears up your muscles. I used to have to help my Brother climb the three steps to get into his house.
He died a little over a year ago.
When contemplating what it can do to your muscles, remember that your heart is a muscle, so it is being torn up also.
My wife's doxacyclene was $10.00 for a month supply a little over a year ago, now it is $150.00 for a month supply. That is what it costs, no matter who is paying.
My generic simvastatin is still $4 at Walmart. Very difficult to prove that Crestor is more effective at reducing heart attack/stroke (hint: not the same thing as lowered LDL).
Crestor is one of the statin drugs designed to lower cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a disease. It was created as a disease when the drug companies found out that it was easy to test for cholesterol in the doctor’s office.
Lets take a look at the scientific facts surrounding this issue:
High cholesterol as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease is a disproven theory. Many medical experts have refuted this hypothesis for years. Studies using cholesterol medications to lower the risk for heart disease are funded and sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. Both the editors of the New England Journal of Medicine & Journal of the American Medical Association have admitted that published papers in the two journals are often times fraught with conflicts of interest and that many studies that yield non beneficial drug effects go unreported. Many studies overstate the benefit of medication use by manipulating statistics and reporting relative risk reduction instead of actual risk reduction. For example, a recent study reported a 53% relative reduction in heart disease using Crestor, but the actual risk reduction was only 0.9%.
Multiple studies have shown that people with higher cholesterol live longer. High cholesterol has not been shown to be a risk factor for heart disease in women, diabetics, coronary heart disease patients, or the elderly As a matter of fact, several studies have shown that higher cholesterol levels in the elderly population is associated with greater longevity and a reduced risk of dying from cancer and infection.
Add the following facts to the above information: Low cholesterol has been linked to an increased risk of stroke, depression, aggressive and violent behavior, and suppression of immunity.
How can something responsible for so many critical functions be so bad?
1. Cholesterol is a precursor to all sex steroids (progesterone, testosterone, estrogen)
2. Cholesterol allows your body to make vitamin D (deficiency of vitamin D causes heart disease)
Studies show that higher cholesterol could slash your stroke risk by nearly 300%!
William Campbell Douglass, M.D.
Keeping cholesterol levels HIGHER can...
Revive your sex drive...
Lower your likelihood of cancer...
Improve your brain function...
And make you far less likely to die!
That’s because of one simple truth: Cholesterol is not your enemy!
1. HIGHER cholesterol makes you far less likely to die...
FACT: Lowering cholesterol can make heart disease worse. A review of medical studies on cholesterol and mortality in heart patients found that lower cholesterol levels led to deathnot survival, like the drug companies want you to think.
FACT: Low cholesterol can trigger the deadliest kind of stroke. It’s called a massive stroke and it happens when blood vessels in your brain are so weak, they burst open. Any cholesterol count below 200 is a red flag for this kind of stroke.
FACT: Low cholesterol may raise your cancer risk. Yes, a new study actually links low LDL levels with an increased risk of developing cancer. And it’s not the first one. In fact, more than 20 studies have been done on cholesterol and cancer. And the overall majority linked cancer with low cholesterol!
How could all this be so? For the same reason that your body makes its own cholesterol. It’s a vital nutrient! Cholesterol is a necessary building block for your immune system and especially your brain cells. In fact...
2. HIGHER cholesterol may improve your memory, stave off depression and even protect you from Alzheimer’s...
Believe it or not, healthy brain cells are chock full of cholesterol. Yup, 25% of your body’s cholesterol is in your brain. It fuels the electrical impulses that make thinking possible. Plus, studies show...
FACT: Low cholesterol impairs brain function. It’s been linked to depression. And cholesterol-lowering drugs have been shown to trigger memory loss. (Drug companies want us to forget this — and we may if we keep taking statin drugs!)
FACT: Low cholesterol is linked to Alzheimer’s. The eminent researcher Iwo J. Bohr recently published a peer-reviewed paper on the subject. He points out that Alzheimer’s patients typically have lower cholesterol and suggests that a great way to prevent the disease may be to eat a high cholesterol diet.
FACT: Low cholesterol is even linked to suicide and it’s not just because folks are fed up with celery and tofu! The real reason is probably that low cholesterol literally makes you crazy!
And now for some upbeat news...
3. HIGHER cholesterol could super-charge anyone’s sex life...
Why? Because cholesterol is the “raw material” for your sex hormones. Without it, you can’t manufacture testosterone, women can’t make estrogenand none of us would have any more sex drive than an earthworm!
Now aren’t you ecstatic that your cholesterol is over 200?
If it isn’t, think of all the fun you’ll have getting it back up to healthy levels!
During WW2, The Socialist FDR Administration instituted wage and price controls on American Companies.
Companies could not raise wages, but they could increase benefits to attract workers that they wanted.
Hence, Companies started offering Medical Insurance to keep present employees, and to attract new employees.
Now our Socialized Society considers it a right for an employee, and their dependents to have part or all of their medical insurance paid for by the company that they work for.
So much for the millstone burden of a bad WW2 edict from FDR.
One great thing that could come out of the total collapse of CommieObamaCare is that ONLY the citizen is responsible for any insurance product that they choose to buy.
Thus, allowing Companies to lower the price of their goods and services to the customers by the amount that they had been paying for insurance for their employees, and their dependents.
In similar manner, the Socialist Labor Union Movement in the late 1800s, and the Socialized FDR Wage Controls of WW2 have produced the relics of Minimum Wage Control and Governmental Labor rules that shackle the productivity of our Society.
Ronald Reagan was fond of saying Businesses do not pay taxes, because consumers pay all the taxes.
A business forced by an oppressive Government to pay a higher minimum wage to their workers will simply pass that additional expense on to the consumer in the form of higher prices.
None of the above will make any sense to the true believers in the Obama Plantation, headquartered at 1600 Plantation Avenue, Washington, District of Corruption.
BTW, is there any truth to the rumor that the Potomac River will soon have its name changed to De Nile River?