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‘The Face Of Heroin Has Changed,’ Family Warns After Losing Son, 19 ^ | November 8, 2013 12:13 AM

Posted on 11/08/2013 7:48:19 AM PST by BenLurkin

LOS ANGELES ( — An Agoura Hills family is raising awareness about the dangers of heroin addiction among teens.

The Isaac family is opening up about the drug that brought their 19-year-old son’s life to an end on Aug. 21, when he was found dead from a drug overdose.

“The face of heroin has changed,” Rick Isaac told CBS2′s Serene Branson when recalling his late son, Josh.

The Agoura Hills High School graduate grew up in a loving home, involved in baseball, basketball, soccer and skateboarding.

Rick and Joyce Isaac now say they’ve learned a painful truth — heroin doesn’t discriminate.

“When he was using marijuana as a teen I would have never dreamed he would have touched heroin,” Joyce said.

Josh’s parents, and his sister, Lauren, started noticing changes in his mood after graduation as he transitioned from high schooler to adult. Lauren, who is three years older than her late brother, now wants to be an addiction counselor.

“I’m from a pretty normal family in my opinion. My parents are well educated and were here for me and our brothers. It can happen to any family,” she said.

Family members say they tried everything. Josh had been in rehab three times this year, the last time in August just weeks before his death, and was set to go back five days after he died.

“I saw him Tuesday night, the night before he passed away. He said he was going to turn his life around, enter a long-term program,” Rick said.

Then came the sheriff’s knock on the door: Josh had overdosed while staying with a friend he’d met in treatment.

“People going into treatment need to know that. Don’t use ‘one more time,’” the father said.

Now the Isaacs visit Josh’s Westlake Village grave, rather than a college dorm, plagued by thoughts of how they could have prevented his death.

“It’s hard for a parent because when they’re little, you can fix stuff. Then they grow up and they’re the only ones that can fix it,” Joyce said.

The family has created a foundation in Josh’s name, hoping to boost awareness about teen heroin addiction and build a dialogue.

“There’s this denial that goes on — ‘I know personally that nothing like that could happen to my kid, never,’” Joyce said.

According to the Los Angeles Overdose Prevention Center, overdose deaths have doubled since 1990. They’re now the second-leading cause of accidental deaths in California for people 15 to 34 years old, second only to traffic accidents.

“I know it’s a serious problem here. There is no discussion. There is a big heroin problem in Agoura/Calabasas. The kids need that fear of drugs when I grew up. They need a fear of it,” Joyce said.

Recent studies suggest there is a shift from injecting heroin — to snorting or smoking it — because of increased purity, and the misconception that these forms won’t lead to addiction. Experts say it’s pure, abundant, and as cheap as a movie ticket.

Cartels are bringing much of it from south of the border, and law enforcement in the greater Los Angeles communities of Agoura, Simi Valley, Santa Clarita and La Cresenta say it’s a growing problem. Narcotics detectives say dealers hook teens by giving them their first few hits for free.

The Isaacs say they’re aware of two other teens who’ve nearly died from overdosing since Josh’s death.

They’re hoping their story sparks a conversation and inspires the community and individual families to look at heroin head on.

“It could be learning disorders, mood disorders, just the difficulty of teen years. It’s a complicated thing to get through. We want people to understand that so they can manage their family and friends as best as possible,” Rick said.

“There’s a lot of people that don’t want to talk about bad stuff in their family, but it needs to be talked about in the community,” Joyce said.

TOPICS: Health/Medicine; Local News; Society
KEYWORDS: anewkindofkick; dopersrights; drugs; heroin; illegaldrugs; junkie
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To: Last Dakotan

They move from pill form to the “traditional” as their needs increase. This is all well documented.

My daughters friends, and my friends sons friends, all in their 20’s, NONE of them ever tried any of the synthetic versions. Heroin is very plentiful in Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley, as well as anywhere in So-Cal. Pills are much harder to obtain.

Until the vast majority of People realize that OUR GOVERNMENT is Heavily involved in the Importation of Controlled Substances...

“Yeah, and I am the crack smoker...”

Ask yourself why there is so much opposition from GOVERNMENT to close the southern border?? currently more than 85% of All Controlled Substances are smuggled across the Mexican Border, If they really wanted to Win the War on Some Drugs, do you think closing the Border would be at the top of the list?? Why do we Have Special Smuggling Zones in Texas and Arizona where Enforcement is FORBIDDEN??

You should actually do a little more reading instead of parroting the Government Propaganda, Unless of course you are a government agent, then that is all you know.

81 posted on 11/08/2013 7:43:35 PM PST by eyeamok
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To: a fool in paradise

“Where do you stand in the “war on drugs””

I am absolutely against for a multitude of reasons
1. It has turned the US into a Police State
2. We have lost more liberty and freedoms precisely because of the Drug War.
3.The Drug War is an abysmal failure, there is still 10-15% of the population that still gets high on something. right where it was when the War on Drugs Started
4. Prohibition of ANYTHING has Never worked in all of recorded history.
5.All “Illegal Drugs” combined kill about 25k people annually, Pharmacists KILL 150K per year by dispensing the WRONG PRESCRIPTION, Alcohol kills 600-800k every year, Tobacco another 500k, Doctors Kill about 200k patient per year on ACCIDENT.

All the War on Drugs has accomplished is Making a lot of criminals and greatly expanded government and the Police State. Do you feel safer now than say in the 60’s and early 70’s before the drug war started ramping up?? Take a good look around and tell me how much of a success it has been.

82 posted on 11/08/2013 7:52:40 PM PST by eyeamok
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To: BenLurkin
“The face of heroin has changed,” Rick Isaac told CBS2′s Serene Branson when recalling his late son, Josh.

What does that mean? I saw young people turn into 100 year old invalids in a matter of months back in the early 70's. What is different now?

83 posted on 11/08/2013 7:58:56 PM PST by gitmo (If your theology doesn't become your biography it's useless.)
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To: eyeamok

How many people do you personally know who died from alcohol? From tobacco? From cocaine? From heroin? From meth? From acid? From bath salts or whatever?

I don’t know any who ODed on alcohol. Many more in the other categories.

84 posted on 11/09/2013 3:06:13 PM PST by a fool in paradise (America 2013 - STUCK ON STUPID)
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To: Huskrrrr

You dodged a major bullet. I’m seeing some horrific addictions to prescription stuff.

85 posted on 11/09/2013 3:09:38 PM PST by AppyPappy (Obama: What did I not know and when did I not know it?)
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