“Where do you stand in the war on drugs”
I am absolutely against for a multitude of reasons
1. It has turned the US into a Police State
2. We have lost more liberty and freedoms precisely because of the Drug War.
3.The Drug War is an abysmal failure, there is still 10-15% of the population that still gets high on something. right where it was when the War on Drugs Started
4. Prohibition of ANYTHING has Never worked in all of recorded history.
5.All “Illegal Drugs” combined kill about 25k people annually, Pharmacists KILL 150K per year by dispensing the WRONG PRESCRIPTION, Alcohol kills 600-800k every year, Tobacco another 500k, Doctors Kill about 200k patient per year on ACCIDENT.
All the War on Drugs has accomplished is Making a lot of criminals and greatly expanded government and the Police State. Do you feel safer now than say in the 60’s and early 70’s before the drug war started ramping up?? Take a good look around and tell me how much of a success it has been.
How many people do you personally know who died from alcohol? From tobacco? From cocaine? From heroin? From meth? From acid? From bath salts or whatever?
I don’t know any who ODed on alcohol. Many more in the other categories.