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1 posted on 07/26/2013 6:14:18 PM PDT by massmike
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To: massmike
God tends to give us what we want.

Those who want God will receive God, Forever.

Those who do not want God will not have God, Forever.

Few are quite as blatant as Tutu but in the end we all choose what we want.

53 posted on 07/26/2013 6:56:47 PM PDT by Harmless Teddy Bear (Revenge is a dish best served with pinto beans and muffins)
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To: massmike

What a f8cking joke. Is this the new Christianity?

“We hate a God who disagrees with our shallow, finite, insignificant opinions”

I hope this Satanist crapbag enjoys his final destination. GOD decides moral right, NOT some communist in a country built on anti-white hatred.

Guess what, you Marxist scumbag. God is not a ‘homophobe’. God has no fear of anything, let alone irrational fear. He does not even fear the most evil force in the universe, this wretched entity, the devil (who clearly owns your soul). God DESPISES Sodomy. He DESPISES abominations before Him. God does not see ‘alcoholics’, ‘prostitutes’, or ‘homosexuals’. He only sees PEOPLE and the actions they engage in, and if these actions are what He finds abominable, then such a person who takes pride in their sin shall be condemned on Judgement Day. People are not defined by their sin, they are scarred by it, and these scars shall be their undoing.

You are not a Christian, Tutu. You NEVER were. I do not presume to cast judgement on you, so I shall use the same words as Michael. “The LORD rebuke you!”

I sincerely hope true Christians in South Africa see through your lies and Gospel perversion. Have no doubt, on the Day, you shall beg Jesus to give you His sacrifice, and His reply will be very simple.

“I never knew you.”

54 posted on 07/26/2013 6:58:57 PM PDT by Viennacon
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To: massmike
Mandela's Messianic Image: The Rest of the Story

To add a final benediction on the election, the press turned to Mandela's old comrade, Bishop Desmond Tutu. The Red Bishop basked in the massive media glow on election day. The New York Times' lead editorial for April 30, "South Africa, Reborn," quoted the blissful clergyman on the joy of casting his vote for the new ANC/SACP regime: "It's an incredible experience — like falling in love."
Yes, this is the same good bishop who has been steadfastly unable to direct the same concern and energy toward converting his terrorist ANC comrades from their evil methods. The same saintly cleric who said, "I think the West, for my part, can go to hell." The same "man of God" who, in a 1979 speech, said, "I am a socialist — I detest capitalism. Capitalism is exploitative and I cannot stand that." And who, in 1984 said: "What I know is that if the Russians were to come to South Africa today, then most blacks who reject communism as atheistic and materialistic would welcome them as saviours." The same "Reverend" Tutu who has had kind words for Red China, Cuba, and every other communist dictatorship and terrorist "liberation movement," and who once boasted, "I have never hidden the fact that I meet with the leaders of the liberation movement when I go abroad."

South Africa: The Questions That Need to Be Asked

Rounding out the anti-apartheid forces is the outspoken Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu, who has publicly expressed his fondness for socialism. In 1979, for instance, Tutu declared: "I am a socialist — I detest capitalism. Capitalism is exploitive and I cannot stand that." In February 1984, he claimed that "we will not have security and peace until we have justice, and we will not have that without the participation of the premier black liberation group, the ANC." In November of that year, he predicted that, "if the Russians were to come to South Africa today, then most blacks who reject Communism as atheistic and materialistic would welcome them as saviors. Anything would be better than apartheid." And in July 1986, in response to a speech by President Reagan on South Africa, the clergyman and Nobel Peace Prize recipient stated: "I am quite angry. I think the West, for my part, can go to hell."

Right-Wing Groups Protest Desmond Tutu's Appearance at Gonzaga University

“On an international scale, Desmond Tutu opposes Catholic teaching on just about every non-negotiable moral issue,” Ritchie told LifeSiteNews. “He’s a strident supporter of abortion, contraception, the homosexual agenda, and Marxist class warfare.”

The American Life League noted in The Pro-Life Encyclopedia that Tutu once said, “I am a Socialist. I hate capitalism.” However, in his encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, Pope Pius XI wrote, “no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist.” A series of Popes have rejected Marxist economic theories.

55 posted on 07/26/2013 6:59:58 PM PDT by VitacoreVision
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To: massmike

Desmond Tutu has been misspelling his name for years. There is no “s” and no “d” in his first name.

56 posted on 07/26/2013 7:00:42 PM PDT by MIchaelTArchangel (Have a wonderful day!)
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To: massmike

I don’t think the choice is up to you, Desmond.

58 posted on 07/26/2013 7:14:12 PM PDT by Washi
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To: massmike

Pack lightly, Mr Tutu.....

59 posted on 07/26/2013 7:14:14 PM PDT by Bryan24 (When in doubt, move to the right..........)
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To: massmike

Dear Bishop Stupid, here is what it says in the Bible:

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.- Leviticus 18:22

From Romans 1:

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Yes, Bishop Stupid, some people deny Paul was an apostle (mostly because they want to justify the sins they are committing or endorsing)and yet, here is what Jesus said:

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.- Matthew 5:18

So, to conclude, God condemned homosexuality, Jesus didn’t reverse the condemnation- He was offering a way out. May God’s wrath be upon Desmond Tutu for misleading people from His truth.

60 posted on 07/26/2013 7:15:45 PM PDT by GenXteacher (You have chosen dishonor to avoid war; you shall have war also.)
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To: massmike

Better pack light summer clothing.

62 posted on 07/26/2013 7:21:59 PM PDT by RetiredTexasVet (The only growth industries left under Progressives are government and poverty.)
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To: massmike

Bing! Wish granted.

65 posted on 07/26/2013 7:39:43 PM PDT by BenLurkin (This is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire; or both.)
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To: massmike

Tutu was a commie before commie was cool.

67 posted on 07/26/2013 7:42:50 PM PDT by SampleMan (Feral Humans are the refuse of socialism.)
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To: massmike

Tutu doesn’t know God then. If he’d put some human’s sin over spending eternity in our Lord’s presence, then he just doesn’t have a clue.

69 posted on 07/26/2013 7:44:47 PM PDT by Shimmer1 (froggie sez water nice and warm)
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To: massmike

The free gift of salvation made possible by Jesus Christ is conditional upon faith and behavior. People who decline to comply with the conditions fail to qualify and will cease to exist. (as compared to the belief that they have eternal life, but in an unpleasant place)

Jesus, through John, tells us in many places such as Revelation 22:15 that people who practice sexual immorality do not qualify for the priceless free gift that His life, death and resurrection make possible.

What about this is so hard to understand?

71 posted on 07/26/2013 7:59:45 PM PDT by theBuckwheat
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To: massmike
God does not welcome unrepentant homosexuals so,therefore,Heaven *is* "anti gay”.My gut tells me that God will not accept an unrepentant “Bishop” Tutu either.
72 posted on 07/26/2013 8:04:40 PM PDT by Gay State Conservative (If Obama Had A City It Would Look Like Detroit.)
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To: massmike

Uh ... Tutu ... there is no gay or straight in heaven. No relationships of those kinds at all. Just living souls united with God. Worshipping and praising Him.

73 posted on 07/26/2013 8:30:13 PM PDT by al_c (
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To: massmike; HoosierDammit; TYVets; red irish; fastrock; NorthernCrunchyCon;; ...

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74 posted on 07/26/2013 8:35:10 PM PDT by narses
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To: massmike

Isa 56:4-5

4 For this is what the Lord says:

“To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths,
who choose what pleases me
and hold fast to my covenant —
5 to them I will give within my temple and its walls
a memorial and a name
better than sons and daughters;
I will give them an everlasting name
that will not be cut off.

Is the behavior of self-worshiping homosexual activists and their abomination of nature pleasing to the Creator?

Historically, Evidently, NOT.

76 posted on 07/26/2013 9:24:07 PM PDT by TArcher ("TO SECURE THESE RIGHTS, governments are instituted among men" -- Does that still work?)
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To: massmike
I don't remember it exactly, but there's a CS Lewis quote that comes to mind. Something like this:

Hell is just God's way of telling a man who asks to be absent from Him, that that man may have his wish -- and that eternally.
79 posted on 07/26/2013 10:10:31 PM PDT by Category Four (Joy, Fun, the Joke Proper, and Flippancy ... Flippancy is the best of all.)
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To: massmike; 185JHP; 230FMJ; AFA-Michigan; AKA Elena; APatientMan; Abathar; Absolutely Nobama; ...
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When "religious" figures embrace and promote sexual perversion, they become worse that atheists. Much, much worse. Anyone wanting on/off any of my pinglists, freepmail me.

80 posted on 07/26/2013 11:37:23 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: massmike

Hey Des, how about just going to Get back to us.

81 posted on 07/27/2013 4:30:17 AM PDT by hattend (Firearms and ammunition...the only growing industries under the Obama regime.)
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To: massmike

I was not aware that he had converted tot he Church of England.

82 posted on 07/27/2013 4:38:24 AM PDT by verga (A nation divided by Zero!)
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