You cannot serve two masters. If you are with Christ, then stand with Christ. Duh!
Duty to a god....take your pick.
the way the bsa have gone to shit do my duty takes on a whole new meaning here
“good and my country,”
Yeah, except what is good? Just an opinion.
The boyscouts are pathetic. They threw any duty to God off a cliff when they approved of perverted behavior.
They are teaching children Satanic Ethics by “accepting” openly homosexual kids.
They are normalizing muslim ethics where boys are in harems and forces kids to take “Pride” in a Vice. It is evil/brainwashing/conditioning.
They are forcing Evil to be a Good—rewriting the Bible.
it is deliberately MOCKING the “God” they claim they have a “duty” to....
The group will end up just like the Boy Scout group of Germany where the orgies in the woods led to the “Hitler (homo) Youth” and the homosexual Brownshirts. A total ejection of God and worship of the occult (Satan).
So, wonder what happens when a muslim joins...
The bsa surrendered to the gaystapo.
They will continue to surrender to whoever demands is.
Blood in the water.
They are done.
As are we.
See ya, bsa.
Now that the pervs have gotten their way, Mr. Polzin can rest easy knowing that his particular grievance will be bowed to within the next year or two, tops.
I don’t see many gays joining the BSA.
Disband the BSA
The BSA is chartered by Congress in the US Code as a Patriotic organization. Scrub them from the Code. What they’ve done violates the law.
I can’t imagine sending any child into a situation where you know that the kid is only there because of lawsuits and legal intimidation and technicalities, and that all the other kids are aware of this. The tormenting that kid will receive will be relentless X 100. I cannot imagine anyone who pledges to genuinely care about our kids, straight or gay, would support this.
As for the Boy Scouts, I hope they can find a way in the future to survive solely on private funding and donation and thrive free market capitalist style and demonstrate their ability to thrive capitalist style. Then they can tell anyone who objects to their G-dly values to play in rush hour traffic.
I was in the Scouts in the 1970s and back then we had gay kids in our troop, it was obvious even though I was 12 at the time. The difference was we didn’t focus on it. The problem today is the fascists are demanding the kids DO focus on it. What for? When I was a kid it was “Bobby is a little different” and that was as far as it got. What the liberal fascists are doing today though is the exact opposite of what they say they are doing: They are demanding prejudice.
BSA just chose against God’s (Judeo=Christian) moral code.
They can’t now claim to still follow Him.
(they’re obviously following Obama instead....)
Can’t have it both ways, boys.
The BSA caved like cowards. They’re a disgrace to everything they once stood for. A disgrace to God and country. I have nothing but abject contempt for the entire organization and anyone remaining associated with it.
Oh, anything is possible. It was less than a year ago the Boy Scouts slammed the door on homos and said the issue was settled. Uh... not so fast. It turns out they lied.
The Boy Scouts have zero credibility. The Boy Scouts are dead to me. Screw them.
You used to be one of the most respected, relevant, and necessary institutions America ever had. You threw that away, not those who trusted you. Now beat it.
1. Past “always’s” mean squat today.
2. BSA has now caved. They will keep caving.
3. There will be gay scoutmasters as they have “compromised” into an idiotic position that is not logically defendable and is on its face hypocritical. You cannot have gay be ok for 17-old eagle scouts and when they turn 18, they’re out and can’t be scoutmasters. They aren’t not a threat one day, and then a threat because they hit a particular birthday.
4. They are no longer morally straight. They have abandoned their duty to God.
5. They are open season on their atheist position. It will take five years or sooner before this goes down.