This is a top-priority message from TIGHAR.
I represent the financial secretary of The Republic of Kiribati, a sovereign nation and member of the United Nations. My name is Nikumaroro and I am in possession of treasury notes equivalent to 500 million US dollars. These funds were found on Emelia Earhart’s crashed aeroplane.
In exchange for my passage and sponsorship to the United States, I am willing to evenly divide these funds with you.
Please send me your personal bank information (account and routing numbers, please) so that I might deposit the funds prior to arriving in the US. You will be designated as my immigration sponsor.
All this information is strictly above-board as you can see by my inclusion of my close personal friend and US Secretary of State, Mr. Jon Cary in the distribution list of this email. Accordingly, I will request you furnish the “Jon Cary for President” campaign fund an appropriate contribution.
Please replay to my missive at your convenience.
Your sincreely,
You really should throw in a “late Reverend” for added credibility.