To: Titan Magroyne
Are felines smarter than canines?
14 posted on
05/16/2013 3:12:54 AM PDT by
(Stand Your Ground)
To: Daffynition
Are barrel cactus different from cholla?? Yes...the nickname for the cholla is “jumping cactus” because of the way those spiny clusters so easily detach from the plant and attach to you or your pets.
21 posted on
05/16/2013 4:31:58 AM PDT by
(It feels like the seventies, and it shouldn't.)
To: Daffynition
>>> “Are felines smarter than canines?”
I don’t know, but I’d sure hate to run into whatever made perching on a cactus the better option!
31 posted on
05/16/2013 9:55:16 PM PDT by
Titan Magroyne
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